The Mask

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A few days ago, I was in a Smith's grocery store waiting to send a money order when an older gentleman in an electric cart pulled up behind me. He was bucking the trend by not wearing a mask to help protect him from the virus. Coincidently, one of his friends walked by and offered him a mask. He respectfully declined and said, "If God doesn't want me to get the virus then I won't get it." To me it was an interesting concept. It reminded me of an old story about a man in a hurricane. The hurricane was bad and everyone was asked to evacuate due to rising water. The man declined as he said God would save him. The water did start to rise and a couple rescuers in a rowboat came by his home and asked if he wanted to get in and be taken to safety. He said, "No thank you, God will save me". With that the boat left. The water continued to rise. Once more some rescuers came by in an airboat and yelled to the man to get in as the water was rising fast. Again, he said, "No. God will save me". With that they shook their heads and left. The water started to rise quickly as predicted. It was now eight feet deep and rising. The man went into the house attic and chopped a hole in the roof and got on top of the roof. As he did a helicopter hovered overhead and lowered a rope to him. He again said no he would be OK God would save him. The helicopter was low on fuel and pulled up the rope and flew off. The water continued to rise and swept the man off the roof and he drowned. He awoke in heaven and was disappointed that God had not saved him. He saw St. Peter at the gate and asked why God had not saved him in his time of need. St Peter said God sent you a rowboat, an airboat and a helicopter. What more did you want? I will skip the moral here as I am sure it is too obvious for words. But I did wonder at the time if God sent the man in the electric cart's friend over with the mask. Best wishes and may God bless.

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