Ramblings of an Old Man

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We all have our own paths and destinies. Sometimes in life we come together with other people and share that path for a while. Then we, or they, split off in their own directions. Sometimes the path is crowded with others. At other times it is like the 23rd Psalm – God is our only companion. During these times of solitude are when you learn most about yourself. The din of the crowd is not there to distract you and you must own the decisions you make. There is no one else to blame and no one else to blame you.

It is much less lonely if you are fortunate enough to find a kindred spirit to share your journey with. But even then, there is no guarantee that it will be forever.

I am cautioned not to spend too much time and effort trying to change other traveler's opinions or paths. Similarly, to be cautious when others try and change or intimidate me to change my choices. For small decisions can yield large changes in your future – for good or bad. Choose wisely because good does not always triumph over evil and life is a lot of things, but it is not always fair.

Remember above all if you are not willing to take control of your life there are many people out there who are more than willing to make decisions for you. Do not let them drag you down the wrong path to your ultimate destruction.

If someone tries to influence you into doing something you know is wrong or bad, have the resilience, the fortitude, to resist. Realize that they are a bad influence and they should be avoided at all costs. Likewise, recognize that there are people there to help you. People who encourage you who support you in your time of need. People who love you and wish you well. Be kind to them as they are to you. Support them as they support you.

Realize there are large forces out there that are beyond our control. Be wary of them but not afraid. There is a constant battle between good and evil in this world. It existed before we were born and will continue long after we are gone. Always try to make the right choice – the correct decision – the right fork in the road. However, know that every decision you make, no matter how hard you try, will not be the correct one. Once you understand you have erred, do not be afraid to admit you made a mistake and return to the right path. Learn from your mistakes – do not dwell on them as failures. The only failure will be if you do not admit your error and do not change to get back on your correct course.

People with goals and plans generally know where they are headed. Those that have no purpose or map wander aimlessly through life much as a leaf in the fall is blown by the wind.

Lastly, who you choose to be is ultimately your choice. No one else. Whether you wish to be friend or foe, doer of good or evil, bridge or fence. Ultimately, it is for you to decide. I would wish that everyone would choose good over evil but unfortunately it is not so. What I do have control over is me and my decisions. You and I have the power of choice. We can be a gift from God, one of Satan's minions, or somewhere in between. The choice is ours. We have free will. Choose wisely my friend and know your decisions will determine your path through life and where you ultimately end your journey.

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