What is Success?

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I have given this quite a lot of thought recently and honestly, I am not near a decision point, but I will write down my thoughts in case some other traveler wants to add their perspective. I am sure not many industrious people will agree with my thoughts here. I am good with that. No one has put me in charge of the world. If they had, the world would be very different from the one we know now.

The question comes to mind "what is success?"  Not the little definition like when you are able to get the catsup to finally come out of the bottle. Albeit that is quite gratifying. But success in the big picture. I am thinking that success can only be achieved if the planet earth (our home) and all its inhabitants are left better off or at least not worse off. When I say inhabitants, I mean not just people but all of nature, plant, animal, all life. For eons of time this was the case. Then enter man in the picture. It all went well for hundreds of thousands of years, but since the industrial revolution it got all fouled up. Using the preceding definition of success, most of man's recent achievements were not at all successful. Automobiles, and their requirements for metal, oil, roads, et al, have caused an incredible destruction to the planet and our air. Airplanes the same. Guns are used effectively to kill. I'm not sure that is so good for the inhabitants. Overpopulation causing destruction to the environment and our habitat is not good. We are very successful breeders but that is not good for the other inhabitants of our planet. They are being pushed out to eventual extinction. If nothing else, then by the destruction of their habitat.

I am not antitechnology, but I believe we need to use that technology to not have such a drastic impact on our world, our planet, its people and the rest of life. It is as simple as that. We need to focus on what really is success and not what is going to make a few people a lot wealthier. 

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