Falling [13]

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Emery's POV

Feeling someone's shaking me, I slowly opened my eyes to see Jes smiling at me.

"Woah... How can you fall asleep again after sleeping for the whole night?"

"Shut up. I felt tired."

"What made you tired? We literally only came to the university awhile ago."

"Whatever. Is it already time for our next class?" I asked looking around the roof only find myself and Jes alone.

"Not yet. We still have 10 minutes to go."

"Where did the others go?" I asked.

"Oh they had some personal stuffs to do. I don't know." Jes shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh... Btw Jes!"


"Will you care to explain now that since when you became close to Taehyung?" I asked her a little suspicious of how they were acting around each other.

Usually she fumes in anger around any one of them. But today she was so relaxed and she was even being friendly with them.

"I thought you hated them." I said pouting.

Well... He's a new neighbour of our granny.
So what happened was when I was at grannies I saw that there was an car in front of my ex adoptive parent's house. I was a little curious if they came back or what, so I asked granny and she said that it is our new neighbour's family."

"Oh..." I was listening to her abit surprised by the new information.

"And then another day his mom saw me and granny walking back from the convenience store, of course I didn't know it was Taehyung's mom. So she came running and helped granny carry all the groceries as I couldn't because I was already carrying many other things. She's an good person, so next day granny invited them at our place and then I got to know that Taehyung is that person's son. And to my surprise we kinda got along well." She finished.

"Oh. So now yall are good friends?"

"Umm... Yeah. You can say that."

And then we heard the bell of ending first class. We later headed to our next class as the day flow by like always.


After all the classes we decided to head home cause granny still don't want to open the coffee shop yet. And the whole day I didn't see Jungkook and others in university.

When we were getting in our apartment I was staring at the door of Jungkook's apartment thinking why he didn't show up the all day.

"Yah! What are you thinking standing in front of the door?" Jes asked.

"Nothing... Let's go."

"Hahaha... I saw it, Emi. Do you want to see your crush that much? Huh?" She started teasing me.

"Ughh... Really Jes? The whole time I was trying to avoid him and here you are teasing me?" I replied blankly.

"Woah woah... There, what was that?" Jes asked with an questionable expression.

"What was what?"

"What do you mean by trying to avoid him? Why are you avoiding him? Did something happen when I was at grannies?"

Fuck... What now?

"N-nothing. Nothing happened."

I was trying to run away to my room, but of course was stopped by.

"Emi! Tell me right now. What the fuck did happen? Did Jungkook do something to you?"

"Jes. Trust me, it's nothing."

"Ok... So now you're going to hide things from your sister?"

Wow thanks for hitting that emotional spot.

"No... Jes... Fine. I'll tell you."

And then I explained everything that happened.

"Are you kidding me? First of all who's the girl that came in between you two and he did what? Change your clothes?
Okay. Hold on! So it was the day I and granny came here, right?"

"Yes. It was that day. And that girl you're asking about is none other than that Crystal girl."

"Oh...." Is all Jes could response with.

"Uh... Can I come in?" Someone knocked on the opened door, the door from not too far of which we were talking.

And the voice made me freeze on my spot.

It was not anyone else but Jeon fucking Jungkook?

I looked at him just to see him smiling at Me.

He didn't hear anything, did he?

Jes could feel the tension I was in so she moved in front of the door and asked him to come in.

"So Jeslyn, I'm here because Taehyung wanted me to text your number to him. But i don't have your or anyone else's number. So if you don't mind... can you give it to me?" Jungkook said and yeah he emphasized the 'anyone else's' specially.

Whatever. I guess he didn't hear anything. Thank you God. That could've been very embarrassing.

I sighed in relief.

"Of course. Take my number and I suggest you to take your 'anyone else's' number as well." Jes said while typing her number on Jungkook's phone.

I scoffed sarcastically.

"Well I don't mind."


Jungkook is asking for 'my' number?

Am I dreaming?

While I was staring at him he came in front of me with his phone in his hand.

Is he really going to take my number?

Oh my God!

He put forward his phone and said in my ear "Will you, miss?" leaning in with a flirty tone. I could feel the heat rushing to my face.

Before even I could process anything, Jes ran towards us saying excitedly "Let me do it, Jungkook. I'll give you her number." And she actually gave it to him.

After taking both of our numbers, he made his way towards the door. But then he turned around to look at me who was already staring at him and said "You are cute when you blush. I'll make sure to make you blush often from now."

He left while laughing.


Now I was mad at him.

First, he smiles at some other girl and always insults me. And now he's acting like he don't hate me.

Fuck you Jeon Jungkook.

None's POV

After coming back in his room, Jungkook couldn't help but smile to himself.

He heard it.

He heard it all Emery and Jeslyn was talking about.

"So she was jealous and that's why she ignored me?

She's cute." He chuckled.

Suddenly remembering something he called someone instantly.

"Hello? Hyung?"

"I think you were right. I could hear her mind."

"Hyung, I think I'm falling for her."


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