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"She's been drumming ever since she woke up. When she got home. . .she seemed startled or something." (S/n) says to Inui and Koko. The two thanked her and they walked into (Y/n)'s room. Posters of rock bands, comic book heroes, and a few anime ones were hung up in her room. On the side were a few trophies and awards she had won. Next to her bed were pictures of the founding members of Black Dragon. Along with the new one she got from Takemichi. "Boss." Inui grabs her arm a bit. (Y/n) jumps and takes off her headphones. "What brings you two here?" She asks. "We got worried since you didn't show up this morning," Inui replies. "Oh shoot, I was supposed to see the members! Terrible leader already!" She laughs nervously. "Are you okay, boss?" Koko asks. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" She grabs her coat and walks out of her room. "And I told you two to call me by my first name." She adds. 

The three walk downstairs to be greeted by her mother and father. "Today's a big day for you, Honey. You're going to be the greatest delinquent out there." (Y/n)'s mother smiles. "It takes me back when I had to step in from of my gang. Good times." (Y/n)'s father chuckles. Inui and Koko were shocked to see how chill her parents were about her being a delinquent. It was like they were celebrating her for having a job or graduating from school. "Stop. You two are embarrassing me." (Y/n) sighs as she leads the two boys out of the door. "Knock your opponents dead, Honey!" her father and mother shout together. She closes the door and sighs. "So embarrassing." She mutters. 

"I've never seen two parents encourage their child to be a delinquent," Koko says. "Well, that's what happens when your parents used to be the top delinquents in Japan." She chuckles. "Your parents use to be the top delinquents?" Inui asks. "Yup! My mother ran the Shibuya side of Japan. She was the leader of the Dead Brides. 'We'll be dead before we get married!' was their motto. The first gang group run by women." (Y/n) informs. The two tried to imagine her sweet innocent mother being a delinquent. "My father ran the Roppongi side of Japan. The Shadow Wolves. 'We hunt as a pack and stay as a pack!' was their motto. He was a monster back then." The two then tried to imagine her carefree father being the toughest guy around. "Through my family's generation, we've all been delinquents. It's in our blood to cause a little chaos." Inui and Koko chuckle a bit. "However, I didn't want to a delinquent at first. Not to mention I was terrible at making friends after we moved here. How can I start a gang when I can't talk to people? Well, it wasn't until I met him. He was the only one that inspired me to be who I am today. He told me that I was going to be different from all the Black Dragon leaders." She looks back at the two. "I just hope he's right." Inui and Koko look at each other before walking up to her and wrapping their arms around her shoulder. "I'm sure he is." Inui says. (Y/n) smiles and the three went to the Black Dragon meeting. On the way, they got to know each other a bit more.


After the meeting, my phone began to ring. I growl as I knew who it was. "What do you want?" I ask. "No need to be so harsh with your words now, (Y/n). Aren't we friends?" He asks. I rub my temple and groan. "That was until you pushed Shin away, you selfish brat." "Still in love with even though he's dead? Is that why you refuse to have a boyfriend?" I was getting agitated. "What the f*ck do you want?!" I shout. I noticed Inui and Koko looked at me in worry. I wave them off and turn around. "I want Black Dragon and Tenjiku to work together. Besides, Tenjiku is missing a founding member." He said. "I'm not getting my gang involved with yours. And if you only want me to join then it's not happening. I know you want to battle against Toman, but their my friends. If you want to get to them, then you have to get through me first." I said before ending the call. I turn around and sigh heavily. "What's wrong (Y/n)?" Inui asks. "Tenjiku." I then informed them on what Izana wanted from me. I look back on the gang that I know have in my hands. I walk up front as Inui and Koko stood by my side. "LISTEN UP!!" Their attention came back to me. "WE HAVE A NEW ENEMY COMING OUR WAY AND THAT'S TENJIKU! THEY'RE COMING AFTER TOMAN AND I! AS YOU ALL KNOW, BLACK DRAGON ARE NOW THE PROTECTORS OF TOMAN!" I clench my fist and grit my teeth. "IT'S OUR JOB TO BE THEIR SHEILD! NO MATTER HOW HARD TENJIKU HITS, WE STILL COME BACK UP! YOUR OBJECTIVE IS TO PROTECT TOMAN! AS FOR ME. . .YOU WILL HAVE TO LEAVE ME BEHIND!" They began to chatter and question what I meant. "I AM A FOUNDER OF TENJIKU AND SO THEY'LL BE CHASING AFTER ME TO COME BACK! I DON'T WANT TENJIKU TO GROW STRONGER IF I DON'T DEFEAT THEIR LEADER; IZANA KUROKAWA! THAT'S WHY INUI WILL BE IN CHARGE OF BLACK DRAGON IF WHEN I DO AGREE TO JOIN THEM! I ONLY ASK OF YOU TO FIGHT FOR TOMAN AND BE THEIR PROTECTOR, WILL YOU DO THAT FOR ME?!" I ask them. They were silent for a bit before shouting in agreement. "WE WILL DO OUR BEST, BOSS!" They all yell. I felt a wave of relief and felt less tense. "You did greet." Inui smiles at me. "Don't compliment me just yet, we still have a war coming. Make sure you two watch your backs. They'll probably want to take you to their side." I warn them. "We're only loyal to you." They both said. 

Come at me Izana. . .I'll show you that I can beat you this time.

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