Guilty Responsibility.

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Ten years ago.

As a kid I never really cried in front of anyone, not even in front of my mom.

When my dad left us, I could always see my mom cry herself to sleep when I was still in elementary , the tears that would've been mine as well.

It's so cold and I ran away from home when my mom scolded me for wanting to have time with her.

I know she was busy, earning money to raise me alone here in Korea. But I can't help it. I don't wanna be home, I'm just a 10 year old selfish kid after all.

I was sitting at the swing by the park in an old town. The snow pouring down touching my light clothed body. I was trembling but didn't cared for my pride was all I could think of.

"Ah, Minari!!!" a familiar voice came in from the gate of the park.


"Waaah, I'm glad I found you" she ran towards me and knelt on the ground facing me and giving me a warm worried smile.

"Your mom called me that you left home, she's been worried of you, I was so worried. Well now let's go home?" She held her hand up to my face, giving me the assurance that my mom was not mad anymore.

I bit my lip, and quickly crashed unto her body. My tiny hands grip unto Jeongyeon's jacket, holding her tightly, like a koala holding unto a tree refusing to let go.

I suddenly felt embarrassed for acting tough.
Jeongyeon Unnie didn't laughed, but instead she held me tighter into her arms that winter night.

Why Unnie? Why did you offer me a safe place only to abandon me right now?.


You know.... I already know everything, I'm not that stupid. But I know if I told Mina, she wouldn't understand. And probably she would hate-

I burst laughing at the thought of Mina hating me, I don't know, it was just funny to think that way.
Geez seriously

Did I not want her to hate me?

Well there was also a time, when I didn't really know.


I saw how Sana's figure went out of the bathtub she was sharing with me after a steamy night at a hotel room.

Reaching out to her clothes on the basket near the sink, she slids on her bra.

"how could you say that to Nayeon Unnie? She's not like that!" I argued back when I heard her saying that Nayeon Unnie was not the woman I was thinking she was.

"eh? You really didn't know? You're such a kid Chaeyoungie" she says in a chilled voice, not caring whether I'd be hurt or what while she wear all her clothes.

Well I liked that about Sana, she was an unfiltered person, she'd say whatever was on her mind without caution.

She turned around and sees me pouting at what she said. She chuckles probably finding me cute.

"eh quit playing cute Chaeyoung , stand up now, I'll show ya something babe" she playfully wiggles her hand to me.

And now we're here standing beside a motel building, hiding behind the vending machine looking at the building's entrance.

And there, I saw Nayeon, clinging unto some stranger who looked cool in a leather jacket, her hair screamed lesbian and she was tall.

I felt a sting of insecurities in my system. Like a virus starting to devour my everything, it was unbearable.

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