The Choice

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Time passes by faster when you are enjoying things. Its all the same for everyone

That means it really depends on you whether your life is boring or not.

A normal person spend their time by waking up early, working, work, work, work and when time rings, they leave, and go home to sleep.

Feeling how boring my life is, while I lean my head down the piano tiles inside the music room, the door opens.

"Ms. Im"

It's Jeongyeon.

Nothing is more interesting than a clueless prey walking close to its hunter's den.

All I wanted was only freedom, but you Jeongyeon, Mina, Chaeyoung.... Are giving me entertainment.



As soon as my apartment door closes, I quickly pinned Mina into the back of the door, continuing the kiss we had earlier..
We were in haste when we wanted to continue where we left off from the rooftop.

Inside a room lit by a passing sunset, Lips touching each others, hands on each other, intertwining fingers, pinning her slender body on that thick door, I can't think of anything else but her.

I broke the kiss "It's been a while since the last time you came over"

I was taken aback when the stern, head strong Myoui Mina was getting shy to look at my face or to answer me right away.

Her body fidgeting, the clear reddish cheeks was so visible to me, her eyes avoiding my gaze, she breathing hard in between my arms. "I.... Um..... Y-yeah, it has been a while s-since".

I could only smirk at the sight. "eh? What are you getting all shy about, stupid?"

"I... I'm not stupid" she claims, biting the back of her index finger.

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, a vulnerable Mina.
I stared at her flustered face, after a while she meets my eyes.

Yeah that's it.... She always does that. Those eyes, even though she's scared and nervous she would still be able to look at me that way.

She's so pretty, that fine red lips, her porcelain like skin, her black wavy hair that sways with her body the way she wanted it. She's so pretty,  that it makes me want to ruin her.

I don't know where my mind goes finding those thoughts. It makes me feel disgusted and sad of how my mind works.

I was so close to berserk with my thoughts, when I felt a touch on my hand.

Mina pulled my right and placed it to her face cupping it . "Chaeyoung-ah..... Let's do it"

This woman will be the death of me.


"I haven't given you my answer, right? Jeongyeon-ah"

"a-ah... Yeah, you haven't"

I could only stare plainly at the fidgeting woman in front of me.

Tsk, don't make me say it, what a bore.

"Um, to be honest......" I'll just take it slow and see if she'd take the bait.


"We don't really know each other that much....
So why don't we... (this is another boring day, I guess)
Jeongyeon, are you free tonight?"  I uttered giving her a hint of shyness. As if.

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