Ghost Of You

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I know y'all are wondering why am I getting POVs now but yeah bare with me.

We arrived at a bar in Kobe, Japan.
Everything was so fun, There were drinks that was new to us, some of them has Japanese names on them that I clearly don't understand.

Surprisingly there were many Koreans inside the bar that's why we blended so easily in the crowd , I know I'm Thai but whatever. Chaeyoung, Jihyo, and some girls we befriended inside was sitting in the tables near the dance floor.

And so while enjoying our drinks, somewhere in the middle of the crowd we heard someone was shouting.

Now that I think about it.... Chaeyoung hasn't come back from the restroom yet.

After hearing the shouts, Jihyo and I knew who it was, We were already looking at each other.

"Lisa...." Jihyo uttered eyeing me.

"aish, that little shit" I gave Jihyo a go signal.

I swear to God, the both of us literally jumped and made our way to the crowd.

"Let go of her!!!" Chaeyoung screams at the guy who's seriously towering over her.

The guy was obviously saying something in Japanese that we don't understand.

"I knew it" I uttered looking at Chaeyoung who's holding on the guy's collar.

"Lisa-ya... Imma count to three, after that quickly grab Chaeyoung and that girl under that guy's grip."

"okay, same old shit eh?" I just sigh and got ready.

"Okay, 1.... 2..... 3!!" Jihyo shouts and we both ran in the middle.

"Haha Chaeyoung-ah let's go you little shit!" I quickly grab Chaeyoung's back collar and the girl's wrist and ran towards the exit of the bar.

I was seriously dragging two people at a time.

We heard a loud thud when the guy's grip from the girl loosened. Jihyo had punched the guy to sleep.

"Lisa!?" Chaeyoung yells while being dragged by me.

"Omg, That hurts, ow" Jihyo had already ran away with us to the exit while caressing her red knuckles.

"Shut up little shit, just run!, and you girl (I looked at the Japanese girl earlier) also... Uh....
Yamete-... Ah no that's not right... Um... RUN'U FASTU!  Hurry up'u!"

The girl just nodded at what I just randomly blurted out, looks like she understood so we just kept running.

We ran to the parking lot where Chaeyoung's car was park.

"Oh My God, I'm getting sober." Jihyo utters as she placed herself in the driver's seat panting. And I beside her.

"Chaeyoung, keys!" I demanded at Chaeyoung who's now inside the passenger seat with the Japanese girl earlier. She threw the keys towards Jihyo's direction.

It didn't take long before Jihyo started to drive.

It has always been like this.... After Chaeyoung graduated Jihyo said that she was somewhat prone to problems like this. Everytime she sees a girl getting harass or somewhat getting sexually abuse, Chaeyoung would burst out and would punch random guys,  that's why this situation right was not something new to us anymore. Both Jihyo and I couldn't create a word to make her stop doing this, because at some point, Chaeyoung was lonely.

I've always knew Chaeyoung when we were in Junior High, we were basically best friends, but I always knew that Chaeyoung was somewhat distant, selfish, and not caring about anyone. But when I saw her again after she started working on our company, something in Chaeyoung changed, she was more observant, caring, and has a sense of justice in some sort. Her personality from being cold turns out warmer now... Calmer.

She haven't been dating anyone for a long time now, I've always knew about her and Sana back in junior high, but I kept quiet about it, looking at Chaeyoung, she was  always close to me but felt so far away, I've always knew that Chaeyoung has a superiority part in her before.

But the Chaeyoung right now is down to earth, but she also seemed like she has been always waiting for something. Waiting for such a long time.

We dropped the Japanese girl to her house, and went back to the hotel we were staying. Jihyo was pissed of course, but she can't really win over Chaeyoung's pouty cute face, I mean who wouldn't with that cutie?.

Thinking it was all fine, the three of us, went to sleep.


"yes sir, I'm so sorry sir, I know.... Yes, I'll tell them, okay, bye sorry again"

We heard Jihyo talking on the phone, it was probably the CEO of the company, Mr. Kang.

"Is... It trouble?" Lisa asked as she sips on her tea.

"A big big BIG trouble" Jihyo uttered while she rubs her temple.

"I'm sorry" I couldn't look at the both of them feeling sorry for what I've done again.

I thought that I could settle it last night but the guy was somewhat drunk and was forcing the girl to have sex with him, that's why I couldn't stop myself from prying.

I hear Jihyo sighs as she put food to her mouth. We were having breakfast and never thought something bad would come up.

"The guy last night filed a case to sue us" Jihyo uttered.

"What should we do Jihyo-ah?" Lisa frowned upon hearing the news.

Jihyo sighs again "Dan-... I mean Mr. Kang said he'll get us the most outstanding attorney here in Japan that could help us."

"I see" I continued to duck my head down as I listen to their conversation.

"Hey hey Cub, don't be so down, you did nothing wrong, I mean you did, but in a good way, you're like Robin, okay? " Lisa tries to comfort me.

"Yeah Chae, everything will be fine, I guess there must be a reason for this to happen, right?" Jihyo assures me, but deep inside me I felt really guilty for dragging them again with me.

"And also Jihyo, Nice one punching the shit out that guy" Lisa laughs giving Jihyo a thumbs up.

"You the one to talk, Seriously you were about to say Yamete to that girl when we were running, That was hella funny" Jihyo laughs with Lisa remembering what happened last night. I couldn't help but laugh with them.

And so we are now facing the consequences of my actions.


hahaahhaha you thought the girl was Mina didn't you? HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA.

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