After thoughts

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I wake up a while later at the sounds of crashing and banging around.  I get up and go to investigate.  When I come down the hall I see King throwing chairs around the main room.  I'm scared, but worried at the same time.  I'm scared because I don't know what will happen to me now.  Surely he knows what I've done.

I'm also worried because he seems so stressed and just hurt or something I'm not sure of.  I walk toward him slowly.  "King?"

He stops when he hears my voice.  He turns and looks at me.  "What are you doing in here Valkyre.  You should be asleep in the room.  I have business to address then I'll tend to you." He turns and walks down the stairs that lead to the basement while the brothers in the room all stair at me.

Oh shit, this is it.  I've pushed him too far.  I have to get the crap out of this clubhouse and disappear. 

I'm walking toward the room I just came out of, but instead of going in it I keep walking toward the end of the hall.  I go right out the back door and no one even notices. 

I run like a bat out of he'll straight to my house, and bust in the back door.  My mother snaps up from the couch.  "My my my little girl you've done it now.  How do expect to get away with this?  You should've listen to me all these years and stayed away from that club.  Now I'm not sure if even I can help you."  She's looking at me like a spider under her shoe.

"You're right Jules, I should've stayed away.  I'll figure it out."  I go up to my room.  I figure I have an hour before they notice me gone.  I know what I have to do.

I sneak into daddy's office.  I know daddy has a stock pile of money in my favorite book on his shelf.  He's always told me it's for emergencies.  I think now is definitely an emergency.  So, I take it.  I go back up to my room pack a suitcase, grab my jacket, and my gun.  I go back down the stairs.  I stop again in daddy's office.  I write the letter that I didn't want to write...

I am so sorry daddy.  I just reacted when I saw the man trying to get in the fence.  I know that the club will want my blood for the life I took.  I am sorry to leave you holding the bag, but I thought I was protecting the club. 

I'm running because I'm too much of a princess to face that crime.  I understand that your opinion of me is probably alot different now.  I saw how mad King was at the ubhouse earlier. 

You're not gonna be able to find me daddy.  I was raised by all of you.  I know how to stay off your me.  I literally have a month left til my birthday.  I think k we can go ahead and let go of any responsibility you have of me now.

I live you daddy.  I love all the brothers.  My heart hurts leaving my life, but I know my place here has been erased.

I need to tell you why I was coming to the clubhouse though.  I heard Jules on the phone daddy.  She's been sleeping with someone in exchange for them to figure out how to steal your money for her.  She has been giving information to this person as well.  To her defense she did say no when the person on the other line wanted me.

I know you may not believe me daddy, and that's OK.  I would look into that one day daddy.  Tell Diesel I'm sorry.  I'm not queen material after all.  Tell King I'm sorry I wasn't what he wanted me to be.

I'll love you always daddy

After I finish my letter I once again sneak out of the house, but this time I take my truck.  I'm leaving, but where to next is still a mystery.  I guess I'll be going away for school after all.

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