Calling home

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The phone rings for all of two rings before a very angry voice is heard.  "Listen to me and listen to me good you snake if our Queen isn't returned within the next three hours we will exterminate all of you slimy snakes without hesitation."

"Daddy give me a chance to speak will you".

"Valley girl, is that you"?

"Yes, daddy it's me.  I'm fine".

"Bowser I have her here in my office.  She's okay.  No way I'd let any harm come to my old lady"/

The screaming and cursing and things breaking in the background is evident through the phone line.  "Who is this!  My daughter is no one ole lady!  She's only seventeen years old!  She will not be associated with the rattlers!  The only thing you creatures bring is destruction!  Over my dead body will I allow this!" 

Viking's eyes go really dark and his whole body tenses up.  I believe he's starting to realize that no one in the club realizes that the little treaty he thought was legitimate is actually even known to anyone, especially my father the VP.

"Brother, what about the peace treaty our clubs struck two years ago?  She was the link between us.  I was to take her as my ole lady and the Black Roses got our shipment run down to Cali".  He waits in silence as we hear my father mumbling to someone in the background.  When he comes back on he has questions of his own.

"Who in the hell am I even talking to"? 

"This is Viking.  President to the Rattlers MC".

"Viking?  President?  Since when did this happen?  Reaper was your club's dirty president as of twenty seconds ago as far as the Black Roses were concerned".  You could tell in his voice their was confusion and astonishment to the news he was hearing.

"I took over this club two years ago when I came back stateside.  I saw how my uncle Reaper was running things, and I didn't like it.  I gathered a few veteran members and handled the issue.  It wasn't two months after I took over that your club reached out to me to make the treaty.  A brother of yours said he was the new VP.  He went by Viper, which Valkyrie hear tells me is a friend of hers named Alex.  He is not your VP I assume".  We hear more stuff crashing around, more hollering, and more chaos on the other line.  Viking has a smirk on his face through it all though.

I turn toward him.  "Why are you smirking at a time like this!  You need to be getting things straightened out between you two clubs.  It'll do no good to continue this war of sorts.  People will get killed.  All of these things tend to get brutal not only for you brothers, but for us females and children affiliated with both sides of the fence".

I assure you Valkyrie..."

"Stop calling me that.  If he hears you saying that, you're only going to make him upset.  I don't need anything else for him to be mad at me about.  I'll be lucky if I survive what happened as is, and that's only if my daddy, brother, and uncles actually want to help save me".

My daddy interrupts me.  " Valerie I don't know what on God's green earth would make you think this club would want to hurt you in any way, but enough is enough!  This club isn't mad at you for anything!  We are proud of you taking care of business the way you did here at home.  You didn't kill the rattler you shot.  King finished him after he so kindly told us that you were going to be taken to their president because you were his ole lady and it was time for him to collect his property". 

Viking jumps up to his feet.  "I never sent anyone to collect Valerie.  I was told that when the time came I was to attend her birthday party and we'd be given time to get to know one another before I just took her from her home".  Hearing him say something like that makes me think he isn't so bad and that he means well in all of this messed up situation.

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