9 (Bakugou)

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I looked at my watch and noticed that is was morning. I guess I should head out. I look around for some clean cloths and found some shorts and a sweater. I put those on and head to the train station.

I take out the paper that Giran gave me. I looked at the locations and noticed all of them were in Kamino. The same city where I got kidnapped. Atleast all of them are in the same city.

I boarded the train that's headed to Kamino and stood close to the door. I need to stop coming to the train so early. It's always fucking packed.

As the train went from stop to stop, it kept getting more and more cramped. After an hour,  the train finally arrived at Kamino. I got off the train and picked up a map of Kamino.

I looked at the map and smirked. All the places are in walking distance. That Giran fucker is better than I thought. I walked out of the station and head towards the tailor to make my costume.

I walked throughout the busy streets until I came face to face with a tailor shop. I walked in the place and saw a man at the front desk.

"What can I do for you sir?" I looked at the man and felt a calming aura around him. I looked around and saw no one in the shop. "Giran said that you could be of use to me." the man's eyes went wide and directed me to the follow him.

The man left the counter and went to the door behind the counter. He opened the door and I followed him inside. We walked down a hallway until we reached a locked door. He took out the key and unlocked it.

While we were walking inside the room I couldn't help but see the spider webs and dust covering the place. "Jeez this place looks abandoned." I spat.

The man let out a small chuckle. "Giran hasn't sent anyone to me in a while. This room has been abandoned for about a year now." The man went over to a desk and sat down. He lit up a cigarette and stared at me.

"Okay, so what do you need me to make for you?" I went into my back pocket and took out a folded piece of paper. I gave him the price of paper and sat in the closest chair I could find. I watched him as he inspected the design.

"Wow I like your design. This seems easy to make, but can you afford it?" The man got up and pulled out a bunch of materials. "I will pay for it as long as it's well made with good material." I replied coldly.

The man looked over his shoulder and smirked. "I used to mark costumes for vigilantes, so I still have good material. The suit will cost you 700,000 yen." Wow that's not that bad. I glad it isn't more, because I wouldn't have enough for weapons.

"I can pay that. How long will it take?" I got up and headed to the door. I put my hand on the doorknob before turning around back towards the man. "It should be ready later tonight, so you can come around then." I nodded before leaving the room. I walked back to the main ship area and left.

Well now that I went to the tailor it's time to go get my new identity. I looked at the map and headed towards the next destination. I looked at surroundings and noticed that I was in a quiet neighborhood.

The complex was pretty much a peaceful low class suburb. I walked around and found his apartment complex. I went up to the third floor and found his door. I knocked his door and stood there waiting for the person to enter.

The person who opened the door isn't someone you would expect to see in illegal businesses. "Giran said I should be expecting you, come in." I nodded and walked inside the apartment.

The smell of sweat and old food filled my nose. I looked around and saw a bunch of dirty socks and molded food sitting in plates or old to-go boxes. This guy is disgusting, he's practically a NEET.

"Giran said that you will make my new identiy for free. Is that true?" I looked at the unkept man in front of me and he nodded. "I don't know why he is using his favor on you, but I have no reason to object. Anyways, are you ready to get started?" I nodded and the man opened up his laptop and started typing.

"I already started on your identity. All I need is a photo, a new name, and age you want. After that I can make any important documents you need to live a peaceful life." I watched the man get up and grab a cold form the fridge. He sat back down and started to eat on potato chips. Being in here is making me feel disgusted, so let me finish this as fast as possible.

"Do you have a name you want to use? It is best not to use a name similar to your old one." he explained to me. I sat there and thought for a moment. I don't want some shitty ass name.

"Haru Ichihara." I smirked at the name I came up with. This name doesn't fit me personally, but it's still good enough. I saw the man start typing away on his laptop. I can tell that he is utterly focused on what he's doing. At least I know he won't fuck up.

"I need a picture and the age you want." I take off my mask and beanie revealing my brown hair and brown eyes. "You can't put anything for the age just make sure that I'm not too old." I told him. He nodded and took a picture of me.

He hooked up his phone on to the laptop and started to type away on his laptop. I got the phone Giran sent me. As I was using the phone I noticed that I can do anything I want on it like a normal smart phone. This is great, but it's safer if I buy a phone under my name. I don't need to take any unnecessary chances.

I sat back down and watched the man work. After waiting about thirty minutes the man got up and went into another room. A couple minutes later I see him walk out with a bunch of documents.

"Here you go." I take the documents he placed in front of me and started to look through them. This guy is ducking awesome! He made a passport, birth certificate, a social security, and other shit I need. I need to stay on Giran's good side, maybe he can hook me up with more sweet deals.

"Wow you're fucking awesome." I told the man.  He looked at me plainly and ate some more potato chips. "If that's all you can leave." He led me out of his apartment and slammed the door.

Well that was odd.

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