Chapter 31

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"B-But she's here with us, isn't she? Both Y/N and I can touch her and all. There's no way that she's dead!"

"Minju-ya." Y/N warned her that she was getting too loud, worrying that the youngest might overhear their conversation. She apologized, before moving on.

"But you're right. She's been with us for the last few days. I know that she's invisible to people around her, but that doesn't mean she's dead."

Namjoon continued to write down his thoughts, as they waited for him to finish. Minju could actually listen to him without having to wait for him to finish writing, but it seems as if he was keeping silent since she was focused on the book. Or it could be that he's keeping silent in order to avoid confusion.

"So... he said this is going to be quite a long story, but he'll try to make it as short as he can." Minju listened to him closely, before conveying it to Y/N who's waiting for her to relay it over.

"He said his sister was suffering from an unknown illness. The doctors tried everything they could by analyzing the kinds of things, yet there was just nothing they could do to prevent her from getting weaker. In the end... she couldn't hold on much longer and breathed out her last breath."

She sniffled, unable to bear the pain he had once in his life, when a loved one passed away at such a young age. Y/N felt guilty that she had to be the one who's
conveying his message for him, and took the tissue box before giving it to her.

"So the next day, this happened? I mean he's turning invisible, similar to you?" Minju nodded, while sniffling.

"Well, as he has said before, he met this old lady before turning invisible the next day. Or at least he thinks, because for some reason he felt as if time had skipped a few days after."

"Uhuh..." He then stared in silence, unsure of what to do after being bewildered by the story he was given. There were a lot of questions left unanswered, yet Namjoon couldn't even answer as he himself doesn't know what had happened. Did he perhaps say anything to her? Drank anything which could've made his memory erased? There were lots of possibilities, yet it could not be concluded.

"Okay. Why don't we look for the old lady for ourselves? If she was at the place where you two have met her, She should be there, right? Considering how she was there when Namjoon-hyung was mourning, and then she was also there when you were.. well I don't know what you were doing. What do you say?"

"That's... well that's a start, I guess." Minju answered. The three decided to call it a night, before she witnessed him go and took the room where her sister was sleeping in.

Y/N let out a silent sigh before laying himself down on the sofa, resting his hand on top of his eyes.

"Oh boy... I'm going to be in a lot of trouble tomorrow." He laid back on the sofa, resting his arm on his eyes. His remark made Minju concerned, wondering what kind of trouble he could be talking about.

"What trouble?"

"I mean, how am I going to explain everything to the others?"

"You can tell them the way it is right now, can't you?"

"Honestly I don't know, Minmin. There's just too much for me to handle alone. I don't know if I can hold on much longer. I'm... I'm tired of it all." Minju started to feel guilty towards him, knowing that the root of his problems was due to the incident that had befallen onto her. She raised her head, after gathering her thoughts on what to say as support for him.

"You have me, don't you?"

"I know that I'm invisible to everyone around us, but at least I'm able to help you with something, right? I truly feel guilty of making you carry such a burden, when this all happened because of what had happened to me. That's why when I was actually able to see Daeun's brother, I felt... happy. That I was being helpful. But looks like all I did was bring more mess, didn't I?"

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