Chapter 24

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  The room was deafeningly silent. The steel door slammed shut behind you, completely muting the wails of the employees. Your breathing was as loud as a hurricane as your brain reached for something to latch on to audially. The air was completely still, and the absence of any apparent life intimidated you, interpreting yourself as a trespasser.

  Now that you were closer to the box, you could clearly make out its features. Small monitors were stationed at the head of the pod, displaying vitals of whoever was inside. A glass lid sealed the container shut, but gave a clear view of the student within.

  "Hajime!" you cried, plastering your hands to the glass. Hajime was a corpse, propped into a comfortable position as if he were prepared for his funeral. His eyes were shut comfortably and small adhesive pads were placed on his temples, holding wires that disappeared behind his head. A metallic collar wrapped around his neck and his arms lay limp at his side, with wires trailing to metal cuffs on his wrists. His body was loosely hidden beneath a cheap hospital robe that reached his ankles.

  "Hajime, can you hear me? I came to save you. I told you I would." He gave no response to you, instead sleeping peacefully. "Hajime, I'm going to figure out how to open this. Please hold on."

You circled the coffin, tracing the split between the lid and the container in search of an opening or handle. There was no such cleft, and the gap was not wide enough for you to fit your fingertips into.

"I think it's controlled remotely," you said to him. "I'll find the controls." You watched his face, wishing for some sign of movement. "Just wait for me. Wait a bit longer."

You looked up at the glass room containing Sonia and Nagito. They watched silently. There wasn't anything in that room. What about the other? You turned to the second observation area, noticing Peko standing behind the window.

Placing a hand on the lid, you waved the other to Peko, mouthing the word 'open' and pointing to the lid. Seeing your gesture, she nodded and began searching the area around her, silently scanning whatever was found in the room. Her head disappeared beneath the windowsill temporarily, then reappeared again, followed by a thumbs up.

Your heart raced. "Do it!" you called, unsure if she could really hear you or not.

A few moments later, the display on the monitor switched to text, spouting out silent statements. Pod opening. Life signs stable. Remain clear of module.

You turned around, disregarding the monitor's warning. Steam spilled out as the lid began opening, rotating upwards on an axis at the head of the pod. Warmth radiated from the interior, allowing your senses to experience more input.

"Hajime," you whispered, stepping closer. He still didn't move, unaffected by his freedom. The steam settled and the monitor returned to displaying vitals.

You watched his chest rise and fall with long, calm breaths. Touching his arm, you felt the warmth that was signature for Hajime. He made no reaction, compelling you to achieve a response.

"Hajime, the pod's open. Wake up." You gently squeezed his arm. Some beast inside you wished to shake him awake, to rip off the wires and cuffs and carry him away, to somewhere safe and alone. I don't know what any of this stuff does. I'm not touching any of these devices; it could hurt him.

"Hajime, it's me." You leaned closer to him. "Come on. Let's get out of here." You subconsciously touched his face, your thumb caressing his cheek. "Please. I need you to wake up. I need to you come back to me."

You took his hand, placing it on his chest and resting yours on top. The cuff on his wrist was tethered to a set of wires hooked into the side of the pod, though they were lengthy enough to allow movement. "Can you even hear me?" Your fingers curled under his palm and squeezed. You briefly glanced up at the vitals; he was still okay.

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