Shanks x reader

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 I groaned at the feeling of light on my face. It was clearly morning but in no uncertain terms fuck that. I really didn't want to get up. My head was killing me and my body felt stiff. I should have known better than letting my very attractive red-headed captain talk me into drinking with him. I knew I couldn't hold my liquor for shit. I was such a damn lightweight especially compared to our chronically drunk captain.

I rolled over in the comfortable bed pulling its comforter closer to me. The comforter felt scratchier than I thought mine was and I knew even if I was blackout drunk my bed wouldn't smell this much of booze. I really did just want to roll over and go back to sleep again but the sudden fear of having slept with someone and not remembering it gripped me far too strongly.

I sat up and looked under the covers.

"Don't worry I didn't let you do anyone," Shanks said from across the room chuckling to himself.

"I take it, I'm in your bed?" I asked, flopping back down.

"Yeah you refused to sleep by yourself," Shanks was trying his best to make me embarrassed but my head hurt too much to feel anything besides wanting to sleep. "In fact, you refused to sleep with anyone but me." his voice was getting closer.

"Let me guess," I said, sitting up to face him, "I was all over you?" I joked. I may have feelings for my captain but there's no way even drunk me would tell him.

"Yep you were following me around like a lost dog and, you didn't let me go around other women," Shanks was just in his pants, they were hanging low showing off his red happy trail.

"Yeah right captain," I'm sure my face was at least a little Rosey as I looked away from him. It isn't my fault the god had made this man sexier than sin, "everyone on the ship knows how much of a ladies man you are theirs no way I could restrain you."

"You really think that," he was so close now, his voice in my ear and his breath on my neck. His arm pulled me into his chest.

"Shanks your breath smells like shit," I said, trying to get out of his grip. Teasing was one thing but this was too far.

"You know you confessed you loved me last night," he said, sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. "And I can't help but think you meant it (y/n)"

I felt my body go stiff. "I'm sorry Shanks, I do like you like that but, I know you see me like just another member of the crew" I wanted to curl into a ball and die or maybe just stop existing right then and there.

"Why are you sorry ?" his voice was deep and still right in my ear, "and who said I saw you as just another member of my crew?" he peppered my neck with butterfly kisses. His arm was holding me close to his chest.

My brain turned off. I was dreaming, Surely I was dreaming. My drunken mind decided to torcher me and give me this unbelievably realistic dream. I wanted to turn around in his grasp and kiss him but I also wanted to hide in some dark corner and cry. I had been in love with my captain for years. I knew he could never see me like I see him and my brain was being unbearably cruel. Even if this was just a dream I couldn't let myself do what I wanted to him. I would not sully my captain's name even if it was just in my head.

"If you want me to stop I will," Shanks said into my ear, his voice was soft now, and almost sad.

"I...I just," I knew I sounded like I was on the verge of tears, "this joke can stop now. Please I..." I buried my face in my hands. This was too much, "did Ben put you up to this for me getting so drunk?"

"Whoa hay," Shanks turned me around and pulled me into a hug, "no I wasn't joking with you, I really do like you," he said it in such a soothing voice. He held me close to him. His arm pressed the sobbing mess that I was into his chest and gently rubbing my back.

"Shanks (y/n) mis..." Benn had just opened the door, "What the fuck did you do to her?" he yelled rushing in to save me, the baby of the crew from our poor red-headed captain.

"I didn't do anything!" Shanks yelled trying to get me back from his second in command.

"I'm taking her away from you before you make her more upset," Benn said, holding me away from our captain as he marched out of his room.


I stood in the shower. My head was starting to feel better but more importantly, I knew this morning wasn't a dream. Shanks must be so confused. I felt bad for falling apart on him but dammit I had a hangover and just woke up.

I turned off the shower. I felt back up to snuff and I needed to explain everything to Beckmen. I rapped myself in a towel and headed to my room.

"You got her drunk?" Ben asked, he sounded so annoyed.

I froze where I stood. I'm not usually the type to ease a drop but I wanted to know who he was talking to.

"She's been stressed out lately so I thought if she let loose she'd feel better," Shanks sighed, "then she got blackout drunk and told me she loved me," he chuckled to himself.

"And you thought it was a good idea to confront her about it right as she was waking up?" Beckmen sounded like he was a dad scolding a kid.

"Ok I realize I might have made a mistake but how was I supposed to know she'd freak like that," Shanks sighed.

"Because it's (y/n)," Beckmen laughed.

I quickly walked by making sure not to get noticed. I made it to my room and got dressed. I didn't want to go out, I didn't want to have a sober talk with shanks. I'm a grown woman however so I knew hiding wasn't an option.

I left my room in search of a certain redhead. I found him sitting in the kitchen. He had a beer in hand and his back to the door.

I ran my hand through my still wet hair, "did you mean it?" I asked. I wasn't gonna pussy foot around the issue.

Shanks jumped, hitting his head on the cupboard. He turned to look at me, "yeah I did," he gave me an award-winning smile, "I didn't mean to upset you." he awkwardly laughed.

I knew my voice would fail me so I did the only thing I could think of. I strutted to my captain. I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss.

Before I knew what was happening I was pushed up onto the counter and was making out with my captain. My hands were in his hair and my legs around his waist. His hand was on my ass, its grip ruff. He was kissing me ruff and with the kind of passion, I hadn't ever felt before. He seemed to be breathing me instead of air.

When I finally pulled away I was gasping for air, "Shanks," I gulped seeing the look on his face.

"God you're so fucking beautiful." my captain growled into my ear, "I can't think of one reason you'd think I wouldn't love every inch of you."

"You know we eat there," Yasopp laughed. Coming into the kitchen.

I felt my face go full red. I slipped off the counter.

"I could think of something I want to eat right now." shanks whispered to me. Making my face go redder if possible.

"I heard that," Yasopp laughed, "give the girl a chance, captain you might just break our little doctor," he said ruffling my hair. "Oh, and we don't need any little shanks running around."

"Yasopp!" I yelled, making both men laugh.

"Who do you think I am?" Shanks asked, slipping into his normal playful self. "I have condoms and we all know she's on the pill."

"And that's my cue to leave," I said, slipping past the men and going towards my office.

"Wait (y/n)," Shanks said following after me. "Does this mean your mine?" he said leaning up against the door frame.

"Only if you're mine," I said looking into his eyes. Waiting for him to answer.

"Of Course!" he laughed, plunging into my small doctor's office. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. This one was soft and sweet.

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