Buggy x Reader

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The song up top is there because I needed you to know the toon to a little lullaby I included in the story don't mind the puppies, author out (0v0) 

I knew this was a bad idea. I knew I shouldn't risk my life by stowing away on a pirate ship but I didn't have much of a choice. If I stayed on this island I would be forced to marry some ass my dad had sold me off to. I knew if I waited for a different ship it would be too late. If I didn't leave before I was married I would lose all of my freedom. I would rather die at the hands of pirates than live a life in a gilded cage.

I was currently hiding in their food stores. I was curled up under the bottom shelf and behind a barrel. Once the crew was asleep I would find a better place to hide till we made it to the next island. I had asked around and it should be only a week till the next island. All it would take is one week till I could get off this ship. I had felt the ship leave port at least two hours ago. We were surely too far for them to just send me back to the island if they found me. I hoped that if they did they wouldn't just kill me.

I froze when I saw the barrel being moved. I silently tried to get further back under the shelf, not that I really could since my back was flat against the wall, to begin with. I closed my eyes and silently prayed they wouldn't find me.

"Come on Richie I already got the booze for the captain," I heard a man call as I felt something sniffing my leg.

I let out a small whimper as something wrapped its maw around my ankle. I bit down on my lip as I tried not to scream, whatever was biting me dug its teeth in deeper. I finally let out an audible cry as the thing yanked me out of my hiding spot. I

"What do we have here?" the man asked. He didn't necessarily sound angry, just surprised.

I opened my eyes and felt my stomach drop. The thing that had my ankle was a damned lion. I'm damn sure that my brain just turned itself on to autopilot because instead of lashing out at the beast I reached out and pet it. I gently pet behind one of his ears and softly mumbled, "Can I have my ankle back buddy?"

The lion let my ankle go letting me sit up. The monstrous thing set its head in my lap. I took the hint and continued petting him. My brain started working again as I looked up at the strange pirate before me. He was very tall and quite intimidating even with his funny looks. He was wearing a fur crop top and his hair and beard seemed to be styled to mimic a lion's mane but trimmed to be much shorter. " If you keep me a secret I will give you a very generous reward," I was lying but I prayed the man wouldn't see through my bluff.

"What is taking you so long buggy is getting pissy," a new man walked into the storeroom, he had dark green hair with a side of his head shaved. He was even taller than the first man. He had a sinister look on his face and a more intimidating presence than the first.

"Well we have a stowaway," the first man said glaring at the newcomer, "she was just about to try and bribe me to keep her a secret."

The green-haired male looked to me, his eyes scanned me over, "I think that's the missing rich girl from the last island," he turned to his crewmate, "we might get a pretty penny for holding her ransom."

"Well grab her and let's go show buggy," the man with the foe lion mane said walking out the door carrying the barrel of booze. "Come on Ritchie."

The lion pulled its head out of my lap. He looked at me, then liked my cheek and ran after the man with the fur crop top.

I raised my hand to my cheek, wincing slightly. I had never realized how gruff a lion's tongue was, it felt like I just had a wet piece of sand scraped across my face. I looked down at my ankle and saw it was bleeding pretty badly. I had a small pool of blood below my foot.

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