How one piece DILFs react to a y/n having a panic attack

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I had a panic attack at work and my brain rot said let's imagine how some op men would comfort me. I also posted this on my tumbler so if you see it there it's not stolen. also, Katakuri is very yummy. if you want someone else comforting a y/n having a panic attack feel free to ask.

the dilfs in this story: Marco (totally counts as a dilf he is 45) ,Katakuri(he's like 48 so dilf) ,Shanks

Base Story

You have always been prone to panic attacks. Not that it was an everyday thing. Some days you have nerves of steel. You don't even flinch at the sound of cannons or when a crew member touches you out of the blue. On bad days you start to spiral just from the drop of a cup or the sound of someone stomping down the hall. Today was a bad day.

You do your absolute best to go with the flow of the day as well as do your duties. But it all became too much. Your hands had been shacky all day but you could tell it was getting worse. You started fumbling more and more. You knew that you couldn't fend off the looming brake down so you set down what you were doing. You knew you needed to make it back to your room before it got worse. You were a pirate so having a panic attack out in the open was a no-go.

You began to pick your way through the ship. You flicked your inner wrist as you walked(at least you hoped you were walking and not running) to your room. The gentle pain kept you grounded, it helped you block out the panic just a bit longer.

As you rushed you didn't spot one of your crew members. You clipped them with your shoulder in your hurry. You didn't have the time to see who it was, you were also pretty sure your mask would completely shatter if you as much as made eye contact with someone. "so Sorry!" you called out to whoever it was. You hoped your voice didn't give away how close to breaking you were.

Once you finally made it to your room and the door was shut behind you, your mask shattered. You let your body hit the floor as you sobbed. Everything was just too much you curled up into a ball and tried to get your breathing under control.


Marco froze seeing y/n rushing down the hall. He was about to ask if she was alright when she ran into him. The glance he got at her eyes told him she was not ok. Her normally calm (e/c) were frantic and glacie. What the hell had happened?

"so sorry!" she squeaked, her voice was just as frantic as her eyes. Now he was sure she was not ok.

Marco stood still debating on whether hed follow her and find out what was wrong, or trace back her steps and see who's ass he had to kick. (y/n) was a sweet and calm women who he certainly had a soft spot fore. Not that he would admit it. If he was perticuly drunk it took all his will power not to go tell the girl just how much of his mind she took up. Some times he wondered what had dragged such a good girl into a life of piracy.

Marco turnd and rushed to fallow her. The ass kicking could wait, first (Y/n) needed to be calmed down. He lost site of her but figured she was probably headed to her room so rushed that way.

Marco stood at (Y/n)'s door he knocked on the door gently, he didnt want to upset her more.

"Whats up?" (y/n)'s voice was almost convincing, but marco could here the slight quiver.

"(y/n) can i come in? I saw you rushing down here and i just want to check in on you?" marco spoke in a gentle and cleary voice. He knew barging in to her room would only make her situation worse.

"I..." she cut herself off with ragged panicked breaths, it took her a while to regain her composure, "Ok... I'm sorry."

Marco gently opened the door, his heart broke seeing the poor girl in such a panicked state. She was sitting on the floor with her back pressed to her bed, she had puffy and red eyes, clearly shed been crying. Marco stepped in closing the door shut behind him. He walked up the mess of a (h/c) and sat down in front of her, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong, or do you just want a shoulder to cry on?" Marco's voice was soft and soothing, he wanted to pull her into his lap and just hold her til she calmed down but he wasn't sure if that would help her or not.

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