Sanji x reader

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 The music was a wonderful swell of noise, perfect to tune out all of the emotions I didn't want to feel at the moment. I swayed my hips, my feet taking me further onto the dance floor. I let the music swallow me, my mind, body, and soul were just a vessel for the music.

I had come to this party because Nami had begged me. She told me she didn't want to go all by herself. I, like always, let her drag me along. I won't lie, I knew she would ditch me, she always does, but it doesn't stop it from hurting. I was no wallflower but I hated when she did this.

I felt a pair of hands run up my sides. If I hadn't wanted this I might have punched the person. Who just touches someone without even talking to them first. I let my body grind into theirs. My back was met with a firm chest as their hands landed on my hips in a gently firm grip.

The person spun me around in their arms so we were facing each other. I smiled realizing why they didn't say anything, it was Sanji. Sanji was a long-time friend and also someone I had a pretty big crush on. We danced like this a lot. Honestly, he was probably my favorite person to dance with. He would let me lead if I wanted but wasn't shy about taking control. Not to mention no matter how sexually charged our dance got he never expected more than just the dance.

"Didn't think I'd see you here!" he yelled over the music.

"Wasn't planning on coming but Nami always gets her way!" I yelled back. Continuing our dance, letting him set the pace.

We danced together till my legs felt like jelly, as a song ended I pulled Sanji off of the floor with me. I wanted to get some water and just talk with my friend.

Sanji and I made our way through the crowded house to a quiet balcony. I sat down leaning my back against the railing. I couldn't help but let my eyes land on my companion "You know Sanji," I smiled at the blond, "I'm so glad we're friends." I sipped the water bottle I had grabbed from the drink cooler.

Sanji let out a small chuckle, " where is this coming from?" Sanji asked. He was leaning against the railing. He had lit up a cigarette the moment we'd gotten outside.

" I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you." I looked down at my feet, "I don't think that we tell people how much they matter to us nearly enuff, and you're one of if not my best friend."

Sanji turned to look at me, his one visible blue eye was like a sparkling jewel, "you're just too much." he shook his head with a smile on his face.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. We had been friends for years. During the first few months, he treated me like any other girl. He would flirt and swoon over me but then he started treating me as one of the boys. The only time he treated me like a girl was when we danced together, "Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked. I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I wanted to tell him how I really felt.

"You can tell me anything." Sanji's eyes were glued to me. I was beginning to regret my boldness.

"If you don't like it can you pretend you never heard it?" I looked away from him. I knew I was blushing at this point.

"Ok?" Sanji's voice was full of confusion.

"I have a crush on you," I pulled my legs to my chest. I was usually a very confident person but Sanji made me feel like a mess, " it ok if you don't feel the same I just don't want to continue pretending I don't... but I don't want to lose you as a friend." I at this point was a complete mess.

I felt tears stinging my eyes as Sanji laughed.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked, putting out his cigarette and sitting next to me.

I nodded my head, I didn't trust my voice.

" I like you too." he brushed his bangs out of his eyes. His handset on my cheek, " can I kiss you?"

I suddenly understood that the laugh was one of relief. I froze for a moment, still not trusting my voice. Instead of giving him a vocal response I leaned forward and kissed him. I let my eyes close as our lips met. I felt like I was dreaming.

Sanji pulled away and his bangs fell back in front of his eye. He had a soft smile on his face. He leaned his forehead against mine, "You are so cute when you're nervous."

I found myself in a fit of giggles. I had just kissed Sanji and I couldn't be happier. I wondered how long he had felt the same, but honestly, I don't care. Right now at this moment, I was just happy he liked me back.

Sanji shook his head, " you know I've never been happier to lose a bet."

I managed to slip out of my fit of giggles, "a bet?" I slipped from sitting up to laying in Sanji's lap.

"Yeah ace and I had a bet," Sanji explained, " He bet me that you liked me back and I told him there was no way,"

"What did you wager?" I smiled. I had bitched and moaned to Ace a lot about my feelings for Sanji. I wasn't going to say that though.

"I owe him 50 bucks."

I stood up and gave Sanji a sweet smile, " I'll go fix that," I said as I went to go find Ace. he would not be extorting my new boyfriend.

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