Ace x reader A Migraine

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 I could feel it since this morning. Just a dull ache in the back of my head. I knew it was only a matter of time before a migraine decided to strike me. I managed to get through my normal daily chores before my vision began to blur. The only reason id been able to complete my chores was because it was all muscle memory. If id had to put any real thought into it I'd be more than a little lost. I couldn't focus on anything and my thoughts were flowing like syrup through frozen pipes.

I stepped away from the laundry and closed my eyes. Yeah even with the excessive amounts of ibuprofen and acetaminophen I had taken I needed to go lay down. I turned to Banshee, she had been the only other female on the spades with me. After Pops just kinda claimed Ace as one of his we followed Ace to the whitebeard pirates. "I'm sorry to leave you when we still have work to do but if I don't go lay down I think my brain might selfdistrict."

Banshee turned to me, "Sweetheart it's not a problem. You've looked like shit all morning I was wondering when you'd tap out." she smiled at me. "But didn't think asking why you look like a walking corpse would help nun." we'd been crew members for years, she knew my struggles with migraines. "Plus it's not like this is a hangover and you did it to yourself," she added.

"Yeah nope, definitely not a hangover, and by god I feel like one." I gave her a pathetic smile, "But still, I owe you one." I turned to walk to the door my hand on the wall as I walked. My head was spinning. Though I knew could handle a little tumble I didn't see the need to worry the crew.

"Don't worry about it. And do you want me to walk you back to your dorm? How steady are you on your feet?" she asked in a motherly tone.

"I'll be fine But thanks Banshee." I waved her by as I left the room. I didn't need to take her away from the work that was left.

I picked my way threw the ship trying to avoid the louder parts. Sadly my room was right next to the mess hall, no matter what time it was the mess hall was always packed full and loud enough to make the floor boards of the ship shake. I winced knowing I'd have to walk past the mess hall's doors to get to my room. The noise would be loud enough to take my balance completely away and my vision would be fucked. I braced myself for a moment, checking one last time if the way was clear before, closing my eyes, and rushing to pass the doors.

I slammed straight into someone. Someone who was much steadier on their feet. Before I was sent to the floor a set of hands grabbed my shoulders and stopped me from falling. "You ok?" Ace called over the noise of the mess hall. His grip on my shoulders was firm but not harsh.

My hands came to cling onto his arms. The noise was overwhelming, like I'd thought My balance was gone and my vision went with it. I couldn't quite manage to speak so I just shook my head no. I wasn't hurt but I definitely wasn't ok.

Ace pulled me over to my room's door. Helping me inside, "Is this a panic attack or a migraine?" he asked in a soft calming voice barely above a whisper. I couldn't help but smile at the question. Seeing as my head was a box of fucked up, and either were possible (plus both could take my speech away) it was a reasonable question.

I took a moment to take a deep breath and take in the quiet of my room, "Migraine." I croaked out. With the blare of the mess hall gone some of my brain power was coming back.

"Have you taken anything for it?" he asked sounding slightly relieved. I don't blame him. Migraines were easier to deal with than panic attacks. He helped me over to my bed helping me sit down.

"More than Marco would be happy with," I joked, giving him a smile hoping it would calm him down slightly. I could feel the way his heart was racing well he was holding me. Ace was good at keeping a calm face when he was panicked, but his heart always gave him away. With his tough exterior, it might surprise people how much of a softy he is when it comes to his crew. He feels helpless and panicky when the people he cares about are hurt.

"Ok since I'm not a doctor I won't scold you for that," he sighed but I could hear the smile in his voice. He was calming down now that he knew what was wrong and how to help, "how about water?" he asked walking over to my curtains and drawing them close.

"I could use a glass." I shifted from sitting on my bed to lying down. If it were anyone else I might have just said I was fine, but with Ace I couldn't. With ace, I knew he'd feel better if he was helping.

"Well then ill be back." he paused at the doorway looking over his shoulder, "Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Yes I have," I answered my voice muffled, I had a pillow over my face to block out more light. Not that I was looking but I could feel the questioning look he was giving me, "I had breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and orange juice... not lying, promises." I grumbled.

"Just checking." he chuckled, and then I heard the door open and close. A few moments later I heard the door open again. Then there were footsteps crossing my room and someone sitting down on the edge of my bed. "You gonna sit up or just spill water all over yourself?" Ace asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"Sit up," I mumbled sitting up and leaning my head against one of his shoulders.

"Good." he brought a cup of water to my lips. He let me grab hold of the water cup before letting go. If I was feeling less shitty I might have enjoyed how close he was to me. He waited for me to finish drinking the water before asking, "You want heat or ice on the back of your neck?"

"Heat." some heat on the back of my neck would definitely help. It would soothe my shoulders and hopefully convince my brain to calm down some. I wondered if he'd grabbed both an ice pack and a hot water bottle.

"You got it sunshine," I could hear mischief in his voice but I wasn't sure why. Ace wasn't the type to mess with someone if they weren't in good shape. Before I could ask what he had up his sleeve he was lying down in my bed with me, his arm my new pillow.

For a moment I just froze then I decided, fuck it. I shifted slightly to get comfortable. I was about to bitch that his arm wasn't going to be hot enough when I realized it was. "Guess this is one way to use your devil fruit." I hummed.

"You want me to get you something else?" he asked in a soft hum. I could feel the hum reverberate in his chest, it was a pleasant sensation.

"Think you can stay here for a while?" I asked almost meekly. If I was being honest with myself it felt really nice to be cuddled up to Ace.

"Yeah I can stay here as long as you need me to," he replied snuggling into me a little bit.

"Then no I don't want something else," I closed my eyes, ready for a nap.

"You got it," Ace answered letting me fall asleep on his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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