Zoro x reader

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 Zorro slowly began to wake up. He wasn't sure what had woke him up. He kept his eye shut waiting to see if it was a noise, or maybe he just had a bad feeling. He also hoped that he would just fall back to sleep. The warm sun on his skin felt so good, and he still had a pleasant buzz from the bottle of sake he'd finished off before he began his nap.

"Realy?" Robin's voice drifted into zorro's ears. Maby her voice is what woke him up?

"You guys asked me who id actually consider dating on the crew and well it's him." (y/n) huffed, she sounded flustered. Zorro couldn't help but smile, the girl was always cute when she was flustered.

"Yeah, but the moss head?" Nami snickered, "why him?" zorro's interest was now peeked, he couldn't help but be interested since it did involve him.

"He treats me like a person," (y/n)'s voice was soft as she spoke, "when he looks at me or talks to me he doesn't boil me down to being just a woman like Sanji. He calls me out for doing something obviously dumb. He is always trying to protect us. He doesn't lie about his opinion. I like the fact that I know where I stand with him. I like that he lets me pick my own fights but doesn't hesitate to step in if I get in over my head." zorro felt his face heating up. He wasn't used to such open praise especially when it wasn't being said straight to his face in some way to manipulate him. (y/n)'s confession felt all that more genuine considering she didn't know he was listening.

"Well I think you two would be a cute couple." robin mused.

"Yeah every one loves a buttie and the beast story," Nami giggled.

"Ok, what's your choices then?" (y/n) squeed.

Zorro stopped tuning into the conversation since it didn't revolve him anymore but his mind couldn't drop what he'd just heard. He hadn't seen (y/n) in that kind of light before. He hadn't viewed her as a romantic option. He really didn't look at anyone like that. He wasn't really looking for that. He wasn't against having a significant other, it just wasn't something he was striding to find. He isn't that damned curly-browed cook.

Not that he thought (y/n) was ugly or anything like that. When he really thought about it he did find her attractive. He even liked her personality, she was pretty quiet but didn't hesitate to speak up about things she was passionate about. Sure she wasn't the best of fighters but she was no cowered. She would stand her ground in fights.

The more zorro thought about it the more he liked the idea of (y/n) being his girlfriend. It was an interesting idea, but he'd also be forced to do more things. He still couldn't help the flush that crossed his cheeks when he thought of her being curled up next to him well he took a nap or letting his head rest in her lap. These thoughts plagued him as he fell back to sleep.


(y/n) sat in the crow's nest. She had come up here to get some peace and quiet. The only one who really came up here is Zoro, and since he was currently napping on the doc of the sunny, She figured that no one would mind. She had brought her comforter up with her as well as a book. She was curled up on the bench enjoying the moment of peace. Moments of peace were few and far between on this ship.

She spent what must have been hours reading before she found herself nodding off. She had just enuff energy to slip her bookmark into its place before curling up with her comforter and passing out. The poor thing had been having trouble sleeping. She didn't really have her sea legs so to speak, so the rocking of the ship had been keeping her from sleeping.

She was woken up by the sound of a heavy thud, of a lot of metal hitting the hardwood floor. She let out a squeak and found herself falling off the bench, her comforter tangled around her. Her heart was racing and she was caught in the moment. She was suddenly sure she was going to be killed. She flailed around in the blanket trying to find her way out of its grip. Her breathing was ragged and she was sure there were tears in her eyes.

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