Perospero x reader: A Wife

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quick author's note: I've had some real righters block lately. if you have any fic ideas or requests let me know.


Perospero sighed, a wife. He never thought about what it would be like to have one. If he was being honest he never thought he would get one. He had dedicated his whole life to his mother, in many ways he was nothing more than her son. He was 50 and the thought of a wife had long since faded, but here he was. Momma had declared that he would be getting married.

"Perospero sir," a guard called stepping into the room, "Your fiance has arrived." the man said as he stood in a salute.

She was here. The woman who would be, being forced to marry him. If he was being honest with himself he pitied her. He had seen a photo of her and he could tell she was much younger than him. If he was half his age he might not feel so guilty. The guilt was only amplified by the fact that he was excited to have a wife. To have someone to greet him when he made it home from a long day of work. To have someone who would listen to him.

He had found himself daydreaming of a sweet domestic life since he found out Momma planned to have him married. He honestly didn't want to force the poor woman who would be stuck with him into anything romantic, he just wanted to have a friendship with her. They would be stuck in the same house so it would be partially a necessity for them to get along.

Perospero got up, "Thank you for letting me know." he turned to look at the man, "Where is she id like to meet her." the candy man was doing his best to hide his excitement, he really did want to meet his future wife. He hoped the woman was someone who he could get along with.

"Big mom sent her to her room to unpack." the guard answered.

"Let her know, that if she feels up to it, I'm waiting in the garden to meet her." Peros adjusted his bow tie feeling nervous.

"Yes sir." the guard announced as he left.


(y/n) slowly stepped into the garden, she was nervous. She always knew that she'd be married off. She always knew she would have no say in her future. She closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to whatever gods would hear her that her future husband would be a kind mind.

She continued her shaky steps as she tried to spot her future husband. Just keep walking, one step at a time. She wouldn't lie that the thought of marrying a pirate scared her more than marrying some pompous noble. She bit her lip and told herself to just take it one step at a time, and mind her manners.

"You look nervous," a voice broke her from her thoughts.

"Oh, well," she forced a polite smile onto her lips, whirling around to find who was talking to her. She spotted him, her future husband. Her stomach churned as she forced her polite and sophisticated mask up further, "I'm just worried about the first impression ill give to you." she curtsied to the tall man.

"Please relax," Peros gave the woman a soft smile, he had found her picture pretty but seeing her in person was entirely different. The woman had the air of a princess. Not the kind of princess that was snooty and saw the world as belonging to her but the kind of princess from a fairy tale. The kinda princess that is woken up from a comma by true love's kiss.

"I've looked forward to meeting you," (y/n) lied giving him a worm smile, she had been scared out of her mind.

Perospero could see the woman was nervous or maby more likely scared. He was impressed with how calm she was acting but he could see the tiny shake in her hands as she moved and how stiff her movements were, "It's sweet of you to try and cater to my emotions Candy but you don't have to. Since we are going to be married i want you to feel comfortable enuff to tell me the truth." he watched her carefully.

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