Shanks x reader: Laundry

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Shanks could not take his eyes off of (y/n). It wasn't like she had done anything special today. She was just being her normal self, wearing her normal clothes. Still, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Even though her top wasn't tighter than normal he could swear her chest looked bigger, and did those shorts make her ass look better? (Y/n) was always beautiful to him. She wasn't the kind of beautiful that would make her a supermodel but she was beautiful. Shanks found her beauty was even more striking because it was real. Most days he could just pretend not to notice. But on days like today, Shanks just couldn't make his mind ignore it.

(Y/n) was doing the crew's laundry, this week was her turn. She had already washed it and now was hanging it to dry. She hummed along to a sound dial playing some Soul King, her hips swaying along. Shanks always loved a chance to see her sweet domestic side. Not that he minded seeing her be ruff and rowdy but seeing her like this scratched an itch in his brain like nothing else could.

(Y/n) was the crew's animal expert. Shanks had not understood when he first recruited her what that really meant. What it meant was she was an animal whisper. She could understand animals like no one else he'd ever met. It was unreal to watch her work. She could silently communicate with them. You leave her in a room with a wild animal and within two hours it's in her lap wanting to be pet.

"You know I can feel you staring?" (Y/n) turned to Shanks one of his shirts in her hands. She reached over and grabbed some clothespins out of a tiny little basket. She pined the shirt up, with a smile on her lips.

"It's not my fault you look so nice," Shanks smirked at her. He had been wondering how long shed let him get away with his staring.

"Is there something I can do for you, Captain?" Her voice had a hint of amusement to it and Shanks could see a smile on her pretty lips.

"No, just enjoying the view." Shanks gave her a devilish grin," I've got to say it is quite the view." His eyes did not leave her. In moments like this, it was easy to forget how adept she was with a set of daggers. It was easy to imagine her as a girl from a small island, that he was slowly but surely convincing her to be his.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes turning her back to him "So are you going to just stand there and watch me?" She grabbed the next piece of laundry and began to hang it up. Her hips still swaying to the music.

"Have something else for me to do?" Shanks quirked his brow, still smiling.

"You could always help me," (y/n) offered.

"Are you trying to push your work off on your captain?" Shanks gasped in mock offense. His hand came to rest on his chest over his heart, "Your captain does not appreciate it."

"So you talk about yourself in the third person now?" (Y/n) gave Shanks a funny look over her shoulder. "Captin it's not even noon lay off the saki."

Shanks bit his lip and then laughed. Their gose (y/n)'s silver tongue. He's always loved how quick-witted she was. Then there was the look she gave him. That was damned adorable. He could feel the smile growing on his lips, "I'll take that as a, 'yes I'm trying to make you do my work for me captain', that's not very nice (y/n)." Shanks shook his head teasingly.

"Oh feel free to just sit and watch me, but if you happen to get bored I wouldn't mind the hand." (Y/n) huffed, Finishing pinning up a sheet. Her back was still to shanks, but he could feel that she rolled her eyes at him.

Shanks thought about it for a long moment before standing up and walking over to help her, "Well I guess since there is nothing else for me to do I might as well help you." Shanks looked at the basket of laundry she was pulling from and saw it was mostly empty.

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