🍋Mihawk x reader🍋

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hay reader the first part of this story contains some things that might be triggering. if you are sensitive to rape this is your only warning. y/n does not get raped but there is a moment where she feels like she's going to.  please skip this one if you cant handle it. author out 

 "I'm not that kind of girl," a (h/c) haired woman stated. She was walking back to her ship and had made the horrible decision to take a shortcut through a shady alley.

"Come on sweetheart it's just one night, give a guy a chance." the drunken man continued to pester. He had managed to Conor the poor thing. He was about a foot taller than her and at least a hundred pounds heavier.

"Please just back up a bit," the woman pleaded. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. She wanted to lash out but she knew that could end horribly, but then again so could her passive pleading. She decided the moment the man actually laid a hand on her she would fight back.

"Common gorgeous, it's my birthday. I deserve a treat on my birthday don't i?" the man slurred his words. His hands finally reached out and touched her. His discussing hands gripped her hips pulling her close to him.

The girl took a deep breath before screaming out, "Fire! There's a Fire!", as she kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"You little bitch," the man growled as his hands dug into her flesh, certainly there would be bruises where he gripped. He pulled her even closer to him, slumping them both against the wall, "you're gonna regret that."

"FIRE!" the woman screamed, she knew statistically she was better off screaming fire than help but as each second passed she felt her desperation growing. She wondered how much more brutal the man was going to be now that she had fought back. She couldn't help the tears that began to stream down her face.

"Shut the fuck up!" the man yelled. He shifted to holding her wrists above her head with one hand and groping at her body with his other, "if you start playing nice I might be a little more gentle with you." the man whispered in her ear.

"Let the girl go," a man stated, holding a sword to the filth in a human's from's neck.

"Wow man, me and my girl here were just having some fun," the man turned to face him, his grip relenting on the cornered girl.

The (h/c) haired woman took her chance and kicked him again, and again, and again. She didn't slow her assault till the man was on the floor, even then it took the swordsman calling out to her for her to completely stop.

"Are you hurt?" the swordsman asked, his golden eyes studying her. He had sheathed his black blade the moment he saw the woman in front of him begin her attack.

The (h/c) haired woman was trying to calm down. Her breath was a mess with panic and her entire body felt shaky. She looked to her savior, or more justly put the distraction that had given her a chance to save herself. She then traced her hands over the growing bruises on her hips, "I'm ok," she stated, her heart was certainly not behind her words.

"That doesn't answer my question," the distraction grumbled, the girl's reaction was interesting but still he found himself bored with the situation, "but I guess it's not really my problem."

"I'm mostly unharmed," the woman stated, " thank you for helping me out," her eyes traveled to the man she had just kicked into submission, "but I should be getting on my way. I don't want to offend your hospitality, but I'm sure that the charming gentleman isn't the only one of his type roaming tonight, and they get worse as the night goes on."

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