Marco x reader beach day

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Marco usually never regrets eating his devil fruit. He knows it has saved his ass so many times. He was sure he'd probably be dead by now without it but right now he hated it. He watched as his lovely wife swam haphazardly. He wanted nothing more than to dive in and join her.

He knew if he called out for her she'd come to him and abandon her swimming but he wouldn't do that to her. He knew she loved swimming, sometimes he wondered if she was part, Fishman. She was graceful in the water like it was her true home. He loved watching her but it hurt that he couldn't join her.

"Just put on some floaties and get out there already!" Ace grunted, he was tired of watching Marco pout. Honestly, the damned bird brain pissed him off with his love-sick puppy act.

"I'm not gonna ruin her fun," Marco sighed, " she would be too worried to enjoy herself if I did that." (Y/n) was a good swimmer but Marco doubted she would be able to tread water carrying him. He knew he was a tall man and he wasn't skinny, he cringed at the thought of her drowning trying to save him.

"Well, I think I'm going to join her." Thatch laughed, he would never even try to steal (y/n) from Marco but he wouldn't lie, he liked rubbing it in that he could swim with her.

"You are such a dick," Ace giggled like a teen girl.

"Don't even think about being touchy with her," Marco growled.

"What you gonna do swim out and hit me if I am?" Thatch jabbed, smirking at Marco's glare.

"Naw I don't think I'd have to," Marco huffed, " I think she'd punch you square in your jaw if you tried."

"He also could fly out and kick you," Ace added, "can't hold your breath forever man."

"Dang Ace, whose side are you on?" Thatch threw his arms up in surrender.

Ace gave the brunette a deadpan state for a moment, " (y/n)'s side."

"Yeah, that's probably smarter." Thatch admitted, "But what if she wants to get touchy Feely with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Are you delusional?" Marco questioned, "Look rub it in that you can swim all you want but we all know (y/n). She doesn't do touchy Feely unless you're me, she is practically a cat."

"Guess that means your pussy whipped in more ways than one." Ace cackled.

"Oh cram it, you're just jealous I get pussy and you don't." Marco rolled his eyes.

"Well i'm Seriously Gonna go join her, it's way too hot out." Thatch groaned, leaving the two devil fruit users behind. The water was gonna feel great.

Thatch quickly waded out into the water, humming in relief at the cool water. He didn't swim like (y/n) but her enthusiasm for it was contagious. He watched as she dove under the water and did few rolls before coming back up for air. He couldn't help but smile, when she was in the water she was like an otter. He shook his head before diving under and swimming over to her.

"Is everyone ok hanging on the beach?" (Y/n) asked with her pretty smile.

"You mean is Marco still pouting?" Thatch corrected, "Oh,, and yes he is, he is like a love-sick puppy right now."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, " Don't be dramatic," she slashed Thatch, " he's a grown man he can handle me swimming about for an hour or two."

"You know I don't blame him," Thatch smiled, " if I were him I'd hate not being able to join in on something my wife loved to do much. Siriusly watching you Swim is..." Thatch tried to think of the right word before landing on, " mesmerizing, you just are so at peace out here."

"It would be better with him," she smiled, " but I just can't help how at home I feel in the water. It just feels right."

"OK I have to ask, and feel free to punch me for this but are you sure you're not part Fishman? Or like an otter mink or something?" Thatch braced himself to be hit.

(Y/n) just rolled her eyes splashing Thatch before heading for the beach. It was a running gag on the ship that she wasn't fully human. It didn't bother her, but sometimes it got on her nerves. As far as she knew she was fully human but who really knew?

She slowly made her way onto the shore. She felt wobbly from the rocking of the waves. She took care to take measured steps so she wouldn't fall on her ass. Her pace was slow but steady letting her equilibrium readjust to solid ground.

Marco smiled seeing his wife coming back to shore. The water dripped off of her and made her skin shimmer. Whenever she emerged from the water he always thought of her as a beautiful water nymph, gracing the land with her presents. He knew it was far too grand of an image but he couldn't help it. He watched her with a content smile.

"Can you toss me a towel?" she smiled as soon as her feet were entirely on dry sand. She still felt slightly wobbly but that would pass quickly.

Marco grabbed one of the folded towels beside him and tossed it to her, "you hungry? Been out there for a while." Marco asked as he got to his feet.

"I could use a snack," she toweled herself off ruffly drying her hair before finding a low-hanging branch to drape it over, " but I came back out to be with you. I was getting lonely without ya," she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Even with thatch out there?" Marco asked.

"Well if you want me to I can go swim with him but id rather sit here with you." (y/n) smirked watching Marco closely.

"Well no I think id rather have you hear." Marco hummed wrapping his arms around his wife from behind and pulling her into his chest, "Don't you have a book you're working through? Pretty hard to read if you're out swimming."

"Yeah your right about that," (y/n) hummed back hugging his arms close to her. "Bet id figure out a way though."

"Yeah but how much more comfortable would you be if you were sitting in my lap rather than struggling not to ruin your book." Marco swayed gently nuzzling his stubble into the crook of her neck.

"Well since you insist, I guess ill sit in your lap and enjoy reading my book." (y/n) spun out of Marco's arms, "but why don't we find some shade and grab some food?"

"I think that's a great idea," Marco kissed (y/n)'s cheek before pecking her lips. "In fact probably one of the best ideas I've heard all day."

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