🍋Doflamingo x reader🍋

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 Doflamingo couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Could anyone blame him when she was in nothing but i tiny bikini? The swimsuit left very little to the imagination, it made Doflamingo's mind whirl with possibilities.

His little muse was a newcomer to Dressrosa. She was certainly a tourist. He would have had a taste of her by now if she wasn't. It puzzled him how she managed to find her way to such a remote beach. This was a beach not even most locals knew of and here she was.

He watched as she made her way trods the water. Apparently, the little minxs was done sunbathing. He licked his lips as she carelessly dove into the water. The woman was strutting around like she owned the place. He would fix that soon.

He took advantage of her carefree swimming to climb down the cliff side to the beach. He found his smile spreading at the fact she hadn't noticed him. She was like a helpless baby seal about to meet a sea lion.

He made his way over to her little beach setup. She had a sun lounger draped in towels under the shade of a large umbrella. It was a cute setup made more impressive by the fact she had to carry it all down a cliff to get it here. He sat down on the lounge chair only to find something hard stabbing into his ass.

Doflamingo snatched the thing out from under him to be met with the cover of what had to be an erotica. What an interesting thing to bring to the beach. He flipped the book over to read the synopsis. He smirked, not just erotica this was a damnd kinky little book, bondage, domination, ownership, degradation. He could defiantly use this to his advantage.

He flipped the book open to her bookmark. He skimmed over the scene. If this is what she wanted then he could easily give it to her. This was a girl he knew he would love to fuck the brains out of.

He set the book to the side before looking back over to the water to see how his new plaything was doing. His smirk fell when she was nowhere to be seen. Where had the little temptress run off to? A moment later he spotted her, she was standing at the top of the cliff that hung the furthest over the water. Was she going to jump?

He watched her take a deep breath and back away from the cliff's edge. He rolled his eyes, shed climbed all the way up there only to chicken out. Maby she isn't as interesting as he'd thought. He wanted her to be a risk taker, someone who would try what they read. Then she went sprinting off, laughing like a madman.

Doflamingo's train of thought was completely diss-railed completely. Who laughs like that jumping off a cliff? Oh, she was a risk taker, a little daredevil. He hoped she'd notice him soon. He really would like to start toying with her.

He didn't have to wait too long for her to be swimming back from the cliff and towards him. He watched her as she came back ashore and walked straight toward him. The water was dripping off her skin and making it shine. Her skin looked soft and flawless, the perfect canvas for him to deface. "You put on quite the little show there." he purred as soon as she was close enuff to hear him.

"Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed my cliff diving," she shot him a teasing smile, "so you came down from your perch. You know staring at a girl for hours really might give her the wrong idea." she hummed as she pulled a towel off the back of the lounge.

"Oh so then you've been putting on a show for me for a while? What a tease." Doflamingo smirked harder. She had noticed him. So she wasn't nearly a helpless little mouse about to be swept away by an owl.

"No not really," she shrugged as she toweled dry, "I didn't do anything I wouldn't have if you weren't there." she tilted her head before asking, "Plan on hogging my lounge?"

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