🍋Crocodile x Reader🍋

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 I sprawled out on the lavish couch in the hotel room. I had never been in such a nice place. I had mostly lived on the outskirts of society so an upscale hotel was not my norm. The couch under me had to be the comfiest thing I ever had the pleasure to lay on.

I was in more than disbelief that this room was mine. It was on the top floor and the view was amazing. It was beautiful and spacious. The room held a king bed, a large couch, a desk and a small kitchen.

"Well I can see you're enjoying the room," the gruff voice of my benefactor purred into my ear.

I jumped and let out a soft squeak. I hadn't realized I relaxed enough to let my guard down. I made a note to myself to not let the comfort of this room dull my instincts. "Yes, it's a lovely room," I stated, I kept my face blank as I answered.

"So I take it that you're agreeing to my offer," the tall man questioned.

I looked the man up and down. He was a handsome man, he had his hair slicked back and was dressed in a nice fitted suit. My eyes lingered on the scar across his face. Was I really even thinking about this? " I'm not sure yet"

The man laughed, "I need an answer now," the man's voice was smooth and held a warning thrett.

"Well i wouldn't mind living in a place like this," i mused, " but i'm not much of a people person," i met his glare, i forced myself not to shrink away, "I don't do walking around in public like this," i motioned to my body, "the only way i would agree to joining you as some sort of security is if you accepted having a guard dog."

The man's eyes were glued to me. He smirked, " I don't think that having an ancient beast follow me would be an issue," I could hear it in his voice, he was more than pleased with this outcome, "But you'd have to wear a collar."

I nodded my head. I was a zoan type devil fruit user. I held the powers of the dog dog fruit model ancient beast. Most would look at my full dog form and assume it was some sort of huge long haired mastiff but the ancient beast was so much more than that. The breed of dog had been bred as a weapon of war. Besides its supernatural strength, speed and a human like intelligence it had a handful of other powers to it. One, its top canine teeth had the ability to release a corrosive agent, if you got bit by it the wound would become septic within hours if it wasn't treated properly. Two, its claws were hard as tempered steel and sharp as some of the finest swords,they were said to be able to cut through the bodies of ships. Thirdly, its skin was thick and nearly impervious, bullets only left bruises and swords only scratches. The ancient beast was a terrifying monster.

"Well then I guess I have a new pet," the man beside me cood.

"Be Careful i bite," i hissed at him. I stood up and glared up at him. Even though I was more than a head shorter than him, I would not let him intimidate me.

His dark eyes met mine. He reached up with his hook and hooked it around the necklace I wore yanking me forward, " I don't mind an attitude," his voice was a warning, "But don't threaten me."

I reached up and unhooked my necklace, " I dont threaten, I only warn." I said as I walked away from him. I had agreed to work for him but I would not be treated like a toy.

The man let out a melodis laugh, " Well then i think we'll get along,"

"Oh and just a fair warning I dont talk when i'm a dog," i couldn't quite explain it but when i was in my dog form i could not talk. Theoretically i knew it was possible for me to speak, i had seen many other zoan types talk in their animalistic form but i just couldn't. Truth be told it was probably just some mental block.

"That shouldn't be an issue," he laughed, " I prefer my subordinates silent."


I sat next to Crocodile, I was watching the woman he had with him carefully, she felt like a threat. I recognized her, her wanted poster was certainly out of date but she had to be The Devil Child Nico Robin. My instincts were telling me she was dangerous and though marin propaganda wasn't usually wholly true the woman had quite the load of rumors around her. I was fairly sure they had some truth to them.

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