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Killua's POV

Next day

"No no we don't have time for that I have to go right now or else I'll be late!" Gon says as I still stood in my robe.

"So your saying we don't have time for me to put clothes on" I say.

"Yes! Now come on!" Gon says pulling me.

"Okay okay just calm down, don't you think you're stressing out too much, you're the Gon Freecss. They should be stressing over you" I say while still being pulled.

"I'm not above anyone though, they deserve my punctuality" Gon says making me smile.

He's always humble, even though he's probably the living, walking form of perfection.

I sighed and grabbed my keys. "I understand, let's go" I say getting a granola bar for him.

I opened the door and we both walked out to the car. "I really hope everything goes fine, I feel like I'm making a bad impression.." Gon frowned.

I started the car as the garage opened. "Look, as I said remember who you are and how important something simple as your presence would be, just calm down you'll only be a few minutes late at most baby" I say backing out.

"I guess, I don't know I guess I just don't wanna make a bad name for myself, I've only been here for two weeks" he says.

"I get it, some people can be hard on stuff like that but most of us are really understanding, plus, it seems like a lot of people are excited to even know you live in the same country as them"

"Those are my supporters though, who I am grateful for, but what about everyday people who just see me as a royal brat"

"No one thinks that, stop, I know what you're saying but you're stressing too much it'll be fine"

He sighed and looked out the window.

Aw he's really upset, I don't think he's listening to me either.

I noticed we only had one more turn and the GPS said we'd be there.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I guess yeah, you made me feel better" he smiled.

"Good, and it's only 2 minutes until 9, you should have time, we're basically here" I say turning into the parking lot.

"Really?" Gon says.

"Mhm, oh and take this" I say giving him the granola bar.

He looks and slowly takes it. "Killua.. aw, thank you love" he says hugging me.

"Your crazy if you thought I'd let you go without any food" I say kissing his head.

"I would've been okay but I still really appreciate this.." he says looking at me.

"I'm glad, now let's go, we can get some real food after" I smiled but Gon stopped my hand.

"Wait no sorry baby but you can't come" Gon says frowning.

"I have to at least make sure they're not gonna kill you or something" I say a little worried.

"It's fine, Goro called his personal butlers, plus I'll text you to let you know I'm safe okay?" Gon says unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Okay okay, I don't wanna make you late, have fun, just call me when you're done" I say putting a hand on his thigh.

"Of course, thank you! Bye" he kissed me on my cheek and got out.

I watched as two butlers that seemed to come from no where, escorted him to the entrance. Gon had his best outfit on, it was one of the Christmas sets he got, custom made. I'm really proud of him, and even though this isn't his ultimate goal it's an honor to even get asked your opinion on something by an internationally known designer.

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