Lost memories Part 8

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"Emily? Emily, talk to me." Arcee said as she gently shook Emily with a servo while Cliffjumper made sure that Tailgate, who's still unconscious, was laying down on the floor and on his back before he checks if Emily is okay.

"Is she okay?" Cliffjumper asked in concern as Arcee looked at him and shook her head.

"I don't know. Emily, please talk to me." Arcee said as Cliffjumper looked down at their unconscious friend.

"Come on, kid, snap out of it." Cliffjumper said and both of them vented in relief when Emily started to stir slowly as she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hey, guys,... are we out? In the cold?" Emily asked as she sat up slowly and she could practically see her breath.

"We are. I'll tell you about it later." Arcee said with a small smile.

"Good idea. We better call for a ground bridge before we turn into frozen metal." Cliffjumper said.

"Yeah and do me a favor. Please, cover me from the snow." Emily said while hugging her arms as she started to shiver before letting out a small sneeze.

"Why?" Arcee asked in confusion.

"Because it's cold." Emily said.

"Uh, you do know that you're wearing that coat thingy right?" Cliffjumper said as Emily gave him a deadpanned look.

"Yeah I know. Just do as I say please!" Emily practically pleaded.

"Okay?" Arcee said as she picked her up on her servo and brought her close to her chassis to cover her from the cold the best she could.

"Maybe I should call base before Miss Queen of Frost Land starts to lose her cool. Haha, get it? Lose her cool? Because of the cold?" Cliffjumper joked but stopped when he saw the look Arcee was giving him.

"Right now joining the Allspark seems tempting. At least someone there would laugh at my jokes." Cliffjumper muttered nervously before turning on his commlink.

"Cliffjumper to base, do you read?" Cliffjumper said but only heard static.

"Ah, scrap. This storm is making things harder." Cliffjumper said as Arcee looked at him.

"Keep trying. We have to get out of this place." Arcee told him.

"I know, I know. Just don't lose your cool." Cliffjumper said and made another ice pun which got him looks from both females.

"Not funny, Cliff." Arcee said.

"Yeah, I know that." Cliffjumper said and kept trying to contact the base despite the storm creating interference.

Meanwhile back at the base, everyone was feeling very sad and upset about what happened to Arcee, Emily and Cliffjumper. They had just found a lost comrade just to lose three more.

"I can't believe it… Arcee… Cliffjumper… even Emily… gone..." Smokescreen said sadly as he looked at the ground bridge.

"Not to mention Tailgate." Bulkhead said as he looked down as Bumblebee whirred sadly.

"To think they lay down their lives just to save our sorry tailpipes..." Wheeljack said as he clenched his servos.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now