Lost memories Part 10

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"I think I know how you're feeling." Emily's voice was heard and it held solemn in it as well as sadness and familiarity to Arcee.

"Huh?" Cliffjumper perked up at this and decided to listen.

Inside Arcee's quarters, Arcee wiped the rest of her tears away and looked at Emily who was gazing at her feet with a somber look.

"You... You do?" She asked as Emily nodded with a sad smile.

"Yes... What you're feeling right now. I know what it is like... That's how I felt the day I found out who I really was. About my true origins. For so long there was this part of me that made me ask myself who I really was. Where did I come from? Why was I so different from the others? Why was I here? And what was my usefulness? The day Ratchet told me the truth, I felt... so crushed... so devastated... Even though I wanted to know for so long, there was this... part of me... that was filled with regret. I don't why... but I regretted finding out about all of this... That day, it felt like my heart was split in two parts even now it still is. There's the part of me that's trying to live a regular human life, well, more like regular human teenage girl life. Trust me, being a girl is tough. Super tough." Emily said with a small bitter laugh to stop a small sob from escaping.

"You could say that again." Arcee huffed slightly at that as Emily continued with a more somber look that was being replaced with sorrow.

"And then there's that part that is trying to earn its place among you guys. Always trying to be strong just like you. Alert just like you. And tough just like you... hoping it would work. You know as a human, I didn't have a very good life. Kids made fun of me my whole life because I was different... It wasn't a very pleasant life... but even so I had two special people in my life... my human parents who took care of me and were there when I needed them the most..." Emily said as she struggled not to cry as the most painful memory that haunts her that day resurfaced as she let a stray tear fall.

"Did one of them...?" Arcee questions gently but stops since Emily nodded sadly that one of her human parents is gone.

"Yes..." Emily nodded sadly with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry..." Arcee apologized as Emily sniffed.

"It's okay. It's a part of life." Emily said as her voice cracked a little.

"I guess... Can I tell you something?" Arcee then asked as she looked at her and nodded.

"Sure." Emily said as Arcee vented slightly.

"Did Jack ever tell you about the time I felt so bad that I thought he didn't know what it was to lose someone?" Arcee asked her as Emily pursed her lips and shook her head.

"No. I don't think he did." Emily admitted.

"You know what's my greatest regret about that day? Is not even trying to listen to what he tried to tell me. I was angry and sad because we had lost Cliffjumper, but that doesn't excuse the fact that I was mean and I lashed out. What makes it worse is when I found out what he and June had lost." Arcee admitted and Emily knew what she meant. She heard the story of how Jack never met his father and how he and June lost him when he was just born.

"His father. Yeah, he told me about that one. From what he told me, the guy disappeared when he was born and was never seen again." Emily admitted sadly.

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