Our Friendship Is Fucked Up

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Legoshi POV: Louis might be gone for good, he hasn't returned in two days... Y/N told me about what happened, it wasn't how I expected it to go. Y/N wants to go back to that small forest again, I might come with him. It's not far from the school... I think? Gosh I hope it's not. These days don't get any easier do they? I've been sitting in my dorm room with my friends, and my boyfriend. We were watching the news as usual.

"This morning in Zebuth town on igni street, A Thompsons Gazelle by the name of Rinna was found murdered on the sidewalk."

Oh that's messed up, but should I be really talking? I mean... I almost...

"With the bite wounds found on her throat, it is suspected that she was killed by a group of carnivores."

It isn't surprising that carnivores did this, some just either can't control themselves or they just don't care. But how can you not care? I started to doze off a bit, then Y/N laid his head up against my arm causing me to fidget a little on the ground.

"Isn't Zebuth city like, right next to us?" Jack said.

"Yeah..." I responded.

"And Louis is gone... He should be fine, they didn't say anything about a red deer yet so that's good!"

Not yet at least... If I was Louis I would of done the same thing, that's embarrassing. Especially someone like him, all mighty and popular. I could never be like him, I sometimes wonder how he even does it... All that attention!

Y/N took his head off of my arm to glare at me. "What do you think happened to him? Do you think Louis is ok?"

Rrrrr... Way to put me on the spot like this...

"Uh... He's fine, maybe he just needs some time, it was embarrassing anyways..." I replied.

He snuffled. "I mean maybe... I'm just worried, he needs to come back soon..."

He seems to care about him a lot, and so do I...


3RD POV: A thought came into your head. *Damn, I left my backpack in the gymnasium, I have to go get it.*

You stood up from the ground and told the boys where you were headed. You left your dorm room and went to the gymnasium, but while you were walking through one of the halls you heard something...

"The leader of the canine group is clearly a gray wolf! Scary ain't it?"

"B-But I'm not like them..."

You knew something was up, they don't look like friends... Now what could you do in this situation? Fighting won't help, or would it? No, you have a good reputation with almost everyone you can't ruin it.

You huffed, getting mentally ready for what you were about to say. "Yo!"

The two animals turned their attention to you. "What- get out of here!"

You walked over to them both. "I'm her brother, did you need something from her or..."

Damn! You looked nothing like her, what now?!

All Over Again? (Legoshi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now