Chapter 29

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Sarawat has always been beautiful all his life. When he lost himself in relationships with Lea, he knew how people's view changed for him, in his character. Obviously he wasn't the most sought after bachelor anymore or say for a while. Though he didn't care about what other thinks of him but it just felt like it opened a new door for him to see real people from a very different prospective. And then Lea and his Father saw him like he was just a toy and thing they'll use it and throw away, he wasn't perfect anymore for them. But what about people like Tine ? Frank? Who spent all their lives getting ridiculed for something they couldn't control? How hard they had to fight to chase to find loyal friends, the work, the promotion, and had to work ten times harder with the pretty face people who chased the same thing? How hard it gets for them to open up to someone they love, how hard it is for them to express their love to someone where everyone is waiting to judge them and their interest, how hard it is when they finally found someone who didn't care how they looked like. That someone who wanted to know them deeply. Now only Sarawat understood the anger Frank had for his father when he hurt Drake Because Drake was that someone to Frank. That someone was like Tine to him right now who didn't care about Sarawat's traumatic past.

Sarawat took a moment to think then he quietly said "You know father, You are very self-aware with all of this but in your life, you never treated Frank with love". Mr Guntithanon smoothly said "He's not my son". Sarawat shook his head and said "He's more your son than I am". after saying Sarawat asked Dim to stop the car then he continue "I'll take a taxi." Sarawat further added when he got out of the car, after turning he face his Father "I'm sorry Dad. I'm truly am sorry for everything. I couldn't help Lea but at least I could help myself. I'm really happy that Frank left after seeing how he was mistreated in his own house. He's happier with your grandkids and the boy you hated. He's happier than living his life here getting scrutinized by his own goddamn father over the thing he couldn't control. He finally has a proper family with the love of his life. I'm sorry that all of us couldn't be the kids that you wanted. I'm sorry that me and Lea were so lonely to the point that we started to get sexual with each other. I'm sorry that your daughter rapd your son and now he spent all his life having a fucked up notion on love and had to force himself to get help when everyone left him alone. The only good thing about having you as my father is that you brought Tine into my life. And he has helped me and taken care of me more than you could ever did. Lea came one time and she assaulted me when Tine was there and Frank too. Your wife died but our mother died too. I know deep down she would have loved Frank. And mom would be disappointed at you for treating us like that. I'm sorry Dad. And I feel so sorry for you too". Sarawat closed the door and called a fucking taxi to go to Aunt Jen's party.

Sarawat had to take a deep breath before he took the last stair to enter the main door of the older Guntithanon' mansion. Fucking rich people. When he finally went inside, he saw his Father already had champagne in his hand and was talking to his cousin's. There was no change in his expression, not even a glint of guilt in his eyes when Mr Guntithanon turned to Sarawat as if he knew his son had arrived. Sarawat heaved a sigh he knew that Mr Guntithanon would never change his way, yet at least he let it out what was in his heart all these time. And according to Dr Mew letting it out in a calm manner was good. Sarawat only gave his father a curt nod and turned back to meet other guest.

It was not hard to him to not to look the tall beautiful goddess surrounded in the party. Sarawat knew it was his wife the moment he glanced at his exposed back. Sarawat suddenly jumped and looked to his right when he heard Green said "Beautiful, isn't he? My best makeover Right!?". Green winked at Sarawat, he glanced back at his wife happily talking he asked Green "Who's he is talking to?" Tine had covered the man in front entirely from Sarawat's view.

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