Things to learn from Virat

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Virat Kohli is a Youth Icon. Children look up to him and say "Mujhe Virat Bhaiya jaisa Cricketer banna hai" (I want to become a cricketer like Virat Kohli). Indians follow Virat like Europeans follow Christiano Ronaldo. Everyone says Virat Kohli is the Christiano Ronaldo of India but Indians being Indians say Christiano Ronaldo is the Virat Kohli of Europe. Well my point of view is that both are greats of their own games and it's totally unfair to compare them. Virat admires Ronaldo and say he's his favorite sports person from sport other than cricket.People ask me what do you learn from Virat Kohli because you don't wanna go in sports field? Well there are a whole lot of things that you can learn from the likes of Virat Kohli doesn't matter in which field you have to go. These things show off him whenever he's on the field. They are GRIT, PASSION, DETERMINATION, AGRESSION AND HARDWORK. His grit helped him overcome the 2014 England tour and make a commendable comeback in the 2018 tour. Now where to doubt his passion? He wears his heart on the sleeve whenever he's playing the game and tries to give more than 100% to make the team win. Determination comes when you are under pressure or some sort of injury and you stay and stay on the pitch and play those long innings making the team win or atleast a draw in test match cricket. Aggression, Aggression which Virat haters term as EGO is a very important prospect of his game. If he's not expressive, he's not at his best. Some players are like Cheteshwar Pujara, which I remember Aussies sledges in a match in India, he didn't say anything but he made some 150 runs and consumes up 525 balls. And fielding for so long in Indian heat, I feel for Aussies. From then on they never dared to sledge him. Then comes Virat Kohli, South Africans said something to him, and he was like Chirping from 11 years do you think you can keep me quiet? And made a whopping 254 not out and consumed 450+ balls. He replies from the mouth then from bat. Hardwork is synonymous with Virat Kohli. Some players like Sachin or Rohit are naturally talented and need just to recognize that and flourish on that, but Virat isn't as talented as Rohit or Sachin. He's gained all the fame and success through his hardwork and the chubbiness in him as a youngster took hardwork and time to go away.
If you try to apply these values to your life you definitely can be successful in whichever field you go.

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