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December 6th, 2021

Y/n lifts her head, opening her eyes looking at the now sleeping girl. She stands and walks away from the girl, heading to the bookbag she had sitting on the singular chair in the room. Their hands rummage through before pulling out a first aid kit, slowly making their way back to Alycia.

Their eyes were heavy, but their mind was running rapid. The words Alycia spoke and the thoughts of what the girl had gone through stumbles and plays through Y/n's head. She knew about the one incident due to medical records. It wasn't hard for her to get a hold of them especially knowing someone who works at the hospital. But Y/n also didn't know the extents or the background to how it had occurred, yet now she knows. And to be honest, the girl didn't know why they wanted to know so badly. But they did and they knew now, to a point. It did take the captor to torture Alycia to get the information and Alycia was afraid to die, Y/n knew this. How she's acted since she was taken, the young girl was afraid to die and that's why she gave in.

A low sigh escapes Y/n's lips as she sits on the ground beside the chained-up girl, placing the first aid kit beside the two of them. Y/n opened it up and grabbed rubbing alcohol, screwing the lid off then pouring some onto Alycia's open wound. Y/n's eyes watched as the wound formed white bubbles but didn't react. She sat there and watched it till it died down. Once it did, she poured some more before screwing the lid back on and grabbing some stitches, beginning to sew up the wound so it could heal properly, to an extent. Y/n was no doctor, but they also knew their way here and there.

The captor focuses what she's doing. Sticking the needle through while pulling the stitch, making sure to close it up tight. She goes fast but also slow, to not mess it up. After she finishes though she reaches over and grabs some bandage wraps beginning to carefully wrap it around Alycia's arm. Once they're done, they place the remaining wraps back into the first aid kit before reaching down gently towards Alycia's arm while also reaching into their pocket pulling out the chain key. Y/n swiftly unlocks the chain to see a nasty bloody bruise around the Australian's wrist. Y/n tilts her head to the side, clenching her jaw before getting up and moving down to the girl's ankles, unlocking the chains around her to see blood slipping down from underneath her jeans. A low sigh escapes Y/n's lips as she reaches forward rolling up Alycia's pant legs to see the damage, she's done to herself.

The damage causes Y/n to slightly look away, shaking their head. "Jesus Christ Alycia," Y/n mumbles turning and grabbing a rag out of the first aid kit with a bottle of water. She screws the lid off pouring some of the water onto the rag before gently wiping at Alycia's ankles to try and clean it up a bit. Y/n knew that if Alycia was awake right now, the amount of pain she'd feel just with Y/n barely touching her, it wouldn't be great.

The girl continues to wipe, the time passing by. But by the time Y/n finished she tossed the bloody towel to the side and looked up at Alycia's face. Her eyes flicked all over the girl's sleeping face ultimately causing her to move closer and reach her hand up, grabbing a misplaced strand of hair and moving it out of Alycia's face, tucking it behind her hair. Y/n gently tilts her head, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip before pulling her hand away and pushing herself up off of the ground.

Once Y/n was too their feet, her eyes glance around the room to find the phone she had thrown. Swiftly they make their way towards it and bend down grabbing a hold of it. Her eyes scan it seeing some of the buttons broken but it still turned on, surprisingly. Y/n instantly looked through the recent calls and didn't see one to the cops. The last call to and from was from Y/n's right-hand man, Fryer. At this information, Y/n tilts her head and glances over her shoulder to Alycia who's unconscious on the ground. Her eyes stare at the girl realizing Alycia was telling the truth. But why? Alycia had every opportunity to call for help, to get out of this position but she didn't call anybody. Why? That was the million-dollar question.

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