Ch 38

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A week has passed

Bruce: "Wanda, how is she doing?"

Wanda: "a bit better... she's able to be around me unlike a couple of days ago. She still has random flashbacks. Whenever someone else is around, she sees stuff"

Bruce: "when you're around her?"

Wanda; "nothing anymore"

Bruce: "I have some medication that can help"

He pulls out a pill bottle and hands it to Wanda

Bruce: "she needs to take 2 pills every 6 hours no matter what. Even in the middle of the night. Can you make sure she can do it"

Wanda nods

Wanda: "I'll make sure she takes it"

Bruce: "the first time she takes them, she will feel a bit dizzy and tired"

Wanda: "anything else I should know about?"

Bruce: "that's it"

Wanda: "Okay, thank you"

Wanda walks off

Abby: "I killed so many people, I killed tony I killed Bobbi and- and"

Yelena: "none of it was real super-spy"

Nat: "Abby, you didn't kill anyone, they were fake. It was a fake reality"

Abby: "every time I killed, I felt something... I don't know what but I felt something"

Nat: "what can we do to calm her down?"

Yelena: "I'm not sure, wait"

Nat: "what?"

Yelena whistles and Abby whistles back

Yelena looks at Natasha

Natasha whistles and Abby whistles back

Nat: "Abby, we are here if you need to talk and so is Wanda. We will do anything you need. Your dad is not here at the moment but when he is, he will do anything for you as well"

Wanda walks in

Wanda: Hey, how are you feeling

Abby: "я не хочу этого делать. Я ненавижу это, я хочу снова быть нормальным (i-i don't want to do this. I hate this, I want to be normal again)"

Wanda: everything will be okay, I promise you

She kisses Abby's forehead

Wanda: "why don't you shower and get ready for bed, we can watch a movie and relax"

Abby nods

She gets up from the floor and walks into the bathroom that is attached to her bedroom

Nat: "This is really hard, seeing Abby so vulnerable"

Yelena: "I agree"

Nat: "at least, everything is getting better. it's not as bad as it was a week ago"

Wanda: "I wonder why it affected her so bad"

They all nod

An hour later

Abby and Wanda are laying on Abby's bed, Wanda resting her head on Abby's chest, playing with Abby's rings on her fingers

Wanda: "how are you feeling?"

Abby: "My head is pounding..."

Wanda: "bruce gave me something to help with everything"

Abby doesn't say anything

Wanda: "you can trust bruce, he's helped us. He's helped you in the past"

Abby: "what do I have to do?"

Wanda: "just take 2 pills every 6 hours"

Wanda gets up and grabs the bottle of pills

Abby: "why do I need to take pills?"

Wanda: "to help with everything, you can trust bruce, and more importantly, you can trust me"

Abby nods and Wanda sits back down on the bed

Abby kisses Wanda

Abby: "I love you"

Wanda: "I love you too"

She kisses Abby

Wanda: "here are the pills"

Wanda hands Abby two pills

Abby takes the pills from Wanda and swallows them

Wanda: "you may feel a bit dizzy and tired, okay"

Abby nods

Wanda: "let's just stay up here for the rest of the day"

She kisses Abby's forehead

Later that day

Nat: "James, we need to talk about Abby"

Bucky sighs

Bucky: "I know what you are going to sway.   we can't have her here anymore, she's in danger all the time"

Natasha nods

They sit-in silence

Nat: "what if we send her to a safe house, one that's not on any shield files. If it is, it is only on a physical one. It's a lot better than having her here where she can be a target"

Bucky: "I wish it didn't have to come down to this but it's the safest thing for our daughter"

Nat: "we can talk to her about this in a week or two. It should be her decision on this"

Bucky nods

Bucky: "I agree with you"

2 weeks later

Natasha and bucky are in the living room waiting for Abby. Abby and Wanda walk out of the elevator and over to the other two avengers

Abby: "you wanted to see me, mom and dad"

Nat: "Abby, what do you think about moving to a safe house"

Abby: "I don't want to but I think it's a good idea. I don't want to be taken any more"

Natasha nods

Wanda: "I want to go with her"

Abby; "what. Wands no"

Wanda: "if you are going, I'm going. I want to"

Abby: "wands, this is your home. Your job. You would leave that all behind"

Wanda: "I don't care, I love you. A job is just a job...I want to be with you. My home is where you are. Besides you secretly want me to go"

Abby smiles

Abby: "you would do all that for me"

Wanda nods

Wanda: "yes I would "

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