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Abby is on a rooftop, she sees two tracksuits pulling up to their know hideout. She quickly loads her crossbow and raises it. She shoots an arrow and it goes through the windshield almost hitting one of the tracksuits. The tracksuits  a note attached to the arrow and takes it

??: "Maya meet me where you encountered taskmaster for the first time... alone"

20 minutes later, Abby is now back at Grills apartment, sharpening her sword in his workspace 

She sprays her sword with a solution and continues to sharpen her sword. She raises it, making sure it's sharp. She continues to sharpen it noticing it needs to be sharpened a bit more

Grills: "making fresh squeezed OJ, want some?"

Grills calls out from a different room

Abby: "Nah, I'm good. I'm just finishing something up then I have to head out"

Grills walks over and sees Abby sharpening her sword

Grills: "whoa. That's definitely not a foam sword"

Abby continues to sharpen her sword since it's still very dull

Grills: "so, where you off to?"

Abby: "going to visit an old friend of mine. I also have some errands to run"

Grills: "sweet. Okay. any chance you goin' by a grocery store?"

Abby: "as far as I know. I'm not. I still don't know this area that well"

Grills: "where you headed then?"

Abby raises her sword, looking at the blade

Abby: "I have to dodge a highly trained assassin who I have to try to avoid while I talk to an old friend whose father I killed"

She wipes her sword clean with a rag as she continues to talk

Abby: "I don't imagine the both of us walking out of that one alive"

Grills: "dude, seriously?!"

Abby raises her sword again making sure the edge of the sword is nice and sharp. she looks up and lowers her sword, She chuckles

Abby: "of course not, just saw that in a tv show and thought it would be fun to trick someone into thinking I actually am doing that"

Grills laughs

Grills: "okay yeah, you got me. Oh, yeah, you got me"

Abby retracts the blade from her sword and sticks it in her hoodie pocket

Grills: "that is, that is cool though. That's like, I know swords, like"

Abby: "Thanks again for looking after the dog. Here is $100"

She hands him a hundred dollar bill

Grills: "I can't take your money"

Abby: "I insist, upgrade your costume more"

Grill: "Woah, thanks Abby"

Abby: "I'll be back in a bit, thanks again Grills"

Grills: "hey, if you do pop by a grocery store, can you grab some cottage cheese"

Abby: "I will try but I can't promise anything"

Grills: "thanks Abby

Abby walks out and to the gym where she stashed away the Taskmaster suit and helmet

Wanda: "hey baby"

Abby: "hey princess"

Wanda: "when are you coming home?"

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