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2 years later

Wanda: "what are you doing?"

She walks over and kisses Abby's cheek

Abby: "just working on some stuff"

Wanda: "and that is?"

Abby: "sorting through the files we have. After the incident, we have a lot more to file"

Wanda: "bleah, I'm glad you are doing that. I don't want to do that"

Abby chuckles and kisses Wanda

Wanda sits on one of Abby's legs and Abby wraps her left arm around Wanda's waist, supporting her

Wanda: "almost done with all of this?"

Abby: "almost done. I have about an hour more work, why?"

Wanda: "no reason"

Abby: "what's wrong?"

Wanda: "it can wait"

Abby: "Are you sure?"

Wanda: "I'm sure"

An hour later

Abby: "okay I finished"

Wanda: "great, can we talk now"

Abby: "of course"

Wanda: "so I know we kind of have talked about this in the past but we just brushed over it. I want to start something new in our lives. We've been married for 2 years. I want to adopt. I want to have kids"

Abby: "really?"

Wanda: "mhm unless you don't want to"

Abby: "I would love to. I know we've briefly talked about it but I do. it would be really nice to have kids around"

She kisses Wanda

Abby: "we can start tomorrow. Until then, let's get some sleep"

A couple of weeks later

Abby: "what about her? Her name is Jessie and she's 13 years old"

Wanda: "can I see the file on her?"

Abby nods and hands Wanda the file. Wanda looks through the file and reads some information on Jessie

Wanda: "she seems amazing"

Abby: "I can call in a bit to see if we can meet her next week"

Wanda: "I can't believe it, we are getting close to actually having a family"

A week has passed

Aubrey: "Mrs. and Mrs. Romanoff, it's lovely to meet you, I'm Aubrey"

She sticks her hand out and Abby shakes it

Abby: "it's nice to meet you"

Wanda: "lovely to meet you"

Aubrey: "I will grab Jessie, I will be right back"

She walks out

Abby: "nervous?"

Wanda: "a bit"

Abby rubs her thumb against Wanda's wedding ring and kisses Wanda's hand

Abby: "it will be okay"

Aubrey and Jessie walk-in

Aubrey: "I will give you all some space"

She walks out

Wanda: "hello Jessie, it's nice to meet you"

Jessie: "Hello, sorry. I'm a bit nervous"

Abby: "it's okay to be nervous, Jessie. I'm Abby"

Wanda: "and I'm Wanda"

Jessie: i"t's nice to meet you both"

They all talk for a while

Wanda: "what do you like doing for fun?"

Jessie: "I love reading and drawing"

Abby: "what do you like to read?"

Jessie: "I love horror and mystery"

Wanda: those are my favorite types of books

Jessie: "really?"

Wanda: "mhm"

Abby: "And I love horror"

Jessie"what books are good?"

Abby: "can we see one of the ones you are reading right now?"

Jessie nods and pulls out a book from her bag

Wanda: "wow. They all had a secret by Michele Leathers. This is a great book"

Jessie: "really?"

Wanda: "mhm"

Abby: "what else do you like doing?"

Jessie: "I really like drawing. I would do that whenever I'm bored and don't feel like reading"

Abby: "can we see some?"

Jessie: "I um"

Wanda: "Hey, if you don't want to show us, you don't have to"

Abby: "we understand, really"

Jessie nods

Abby: "What is your favorite thing to draw?"

Jessie: "I don't know, it depends on my mood"

Wanda: "well art is very helpful"

Abby: "hey, I'll be right back"

Wanda nods

Abby gets up and walks out of the room

Aubrey: "so, how is it going Mrs. Romanoff"

Abby; "it's going well, we really like Jessie"

Aubrey: "are you considering adopting her?"

Abby: "We are but we want to spend some more time with her before we make the final decision"

Aubrey: "okay"

Abby: "I was wondering if we could take Jessie out to grab food or spend some time with her out of the building"

Aubrey: "of course but I need you to sign some paperwork"

Abby: "of course"

Hours later

Abby: "did you have fun?"

Jessie: "yeah I did"

Wanda: "well we are happy you did"

Jessie and Wanda look at each other, talking with one another through their minds

Wanda: "what do you think?"

Abby: "I think we should, she is such a sweet girl and we all get along well"

Wanda: "I agree with you. Do you want me to ask or do you?"

Abby: "you could"

Wanda nods

Wanda: "Jessie, are you comfortable with Abby and I adopting you?"

Jessie nods

Jessie: "I would like that a lot"

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