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Another Person's POV

They handed him two reports. One was his other one was of Forth. He felt scared to open the envelope and read the truth. He took a break from his work. Forth went back to the company and left Jingyi with Miss. Rachel.

Haoxuan looked at Ming who was starting at the report lying on his desk.

"Just opened it so we could know the truth..."


"Do you trust him?"

He cut Ming and asked the question. Ming replied without thinking for a second.

"I trust him more than anything "

"Than what's stopping you...."

Haoxuan was getting frustrated by Ming's hesitancy. He sighed and tear the envelope to see reports. Ming looked at Haoxuan in disbelief.

He opened the report and his jaw dropped when he read the report.

"What's the matter.....?"

"You should see this, Ming..."

He handed that report to Ming who's utterly confused by Haoxuan's tone. He glanced at Haoxuan before reading the reports.

Mingkwan Daichapanya

The alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the tested child. The probability of paternity is 99.9%

Ming looked at Haoxuan in shock. Jingyi is his son. Jingyi was his child. He grew up in his orphanage and he never knew...

"How could this be possible, Ming? Opened the other one."

Haoxuan told him. Ming's hands tremble, he doesn't know what to expect from Forth's report.

Haoxuan gave him other reports. Ming took a deep breath and opened Forth's reports.

Forth Jaturapoom

The alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the tested child. The probability of paternity is 99.9%

"What's written in it....?"

Haoxuan asked him but Ming was speechless. He snatched reports from Ming's hand and felt like fainting.

"How the fuck this could be possible...? You both are men and how.....?!"

"I sold my eggs nine years ago when Mom and Dad died. The orphanage was on the verge of drifting apart. One of my friends told me that we can get money from selling the eggs. I wasn't 18 that time so it was illegal."

Ming said while staring at his reports. He was immature and in need of money.


"I am a hermaphrodite, Haoxuan. I have a working uterus."

Haoxuan shut his mouth. He doesn't want to comment on this thing. He's no one to ask.

"I am fucked up... Haoxuan....."

Tears fall from his eyes. Haoxuan hugged his best friend. Ming cried in his arms. Jingyi was away from him. Jingyi is his part. He's his son and he never knew.

How miserable his life could be....?! He married the father of his child.

"Wait... If they used my egg then it's clear that Forth's sperm got used for Jingyi's birth. There would be no record of my donation but we could find about Forth..."

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