Dead Locks

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A/N - Sorry for the mix up guys. I originaly had the end of last chapter here but decided to move it to last chapter. I forgot to hide this chapter because it was 4am where i am and i was tired. I again apologize for the mix up.


Im lead down a mineshaft to a cavern. I look for possible escspe routes but all other passages had fences blocking them, and on the other side of the fences were monsters. I gulped as I was lead farther and farther away from my friends.

"Who are you." I dare to ask. I get no response except a sword pressed against my back. At one end of the cave, was a bed and chests with sone other neccesities. I equip my sword and wheel around. I slash and see the figure stumble back. I look at who it is and I gasp.

~Jason's POV~

I go back to the house and see Ian, Jerome, and Mitch. I guess Haven didnt want to see me. I sigh and go upstairs. Ian follows me.

"Wheres Haven?" He asks.

"I thought she was with you." I reply. He shakes his head.

"She went out earlier to go find you."

"Well she never came..." I whisper. We look at each other with twin looks of fear. I race outside while Ian gets everyone else. I find the entrance to a cave and look inside. Torches. And We had never gone down there. I wait for the others. What was taking them so long. I wait a few more minutes then run into the cave. I'm coming Haven.

~Ian's POV~

I look at Jerome at Mitch and tell them whats going on.

"She was slowing us down." Was all they had to say. I shake my head and run out the door to find Adam and Quentin. I head over to the hill and they are nowhere to be found. I decide to go find Jason and just go with him, and I see him dart into a hidden cave. I dash inside behind him and look around. We had definately never been here before, but why are there torches? I shake my head and head farther down the mineshaft. I finally catch up to Jason and what I see, really suprises me.

~???'s POV~

I look at Jason and Ian and smirk. I had their precious Haven trapped above a huge pit of zombies. They shouldve known better than to take what was mine. Ive been watching her videos from the beginning. I've been in love with her longer than either of them.

"Like the show?" I ask them.

"Why are you doing this?" Ian yells.

"I loved her first! Then you idiots come along and ruin everything!"

"If you love her why are you trapping her?" Jason asks.

"I'll let her go when she loves me, and not you." I snarl. I hear Haven scream and one of the blocks of her platform is destroyed. "But if I cant have her, NO ONE CAN."

Suddenly, Adam, Quentin, Jerome, Ty, and Mitch show up. I look at Ty. The traitor.

"Ty you said you would help me make her mine!"

"Yea well I realized what was going on between her and Jason and it make me rethink our agreement." Haven screams as she now only has half a platform.

"LET HER GO!!!" Ian and Jason scream then charge at me. I smirk and throw out some skeleton and creeper spawn eggs, then go get Haven and run. She struggles to get away but I throw her over my shoulder and head out of the cave. Ty appears before me.

"Let her go. We have you surrounded." He says. I look around. I was surrounded. I put Haven down and then spawn many zombies, and run.

~Jason's POV~

He puts her down and so many zombies appear. I make my way over to her and toss her, her bow. She jumps onto a ledge and starts nailing zombies. She kills the last one and then hops down. I hug her tightly and kiss her forehead. I knew he would be back, but I had Haven, and I wasnt gonna let anything happen to her. She smiles at me then turns to head up the mineshaft. I look over at Ian and he smiles. She was OK. We headed up and went back to the house. I carried her to her room because she look as if she was going to pass out. I lay her in her bed and kiss her on the cheek.

"Sleep tight Haven." I whisper. She smiles and drifts into sleep. I get up and walk out of her room and see Ian.

"Is she alright?" He asks. I nod.

"She's sleeping now. Why dont you keep watch to make sure he doesnt try to kidnap her again?" I suggest. He nods and equips his sword. I go to my room and fall asleep. I wasnt plagued by nightmares tonight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I wake up to screaming. I shoot out of bed and race to Haven's room. Ian was no where to be found. I go inside and find her thrashing around in her bed. I shake her awake.

"Havs its ok. Its only a dream its ok." I tell her. She sits there shaking and crying. I hold her in my arms.

"Its ok haven. Only a dream." I croon.

"It f-felt so r-real...." She whispers. I kiss her forehead.

"Focus on me. Just close your eyes and think happy thoughts. It will be ok Haven." I watch as she closes her eyes and her breathing slows down. She finally falls asleep, and I just lay with her. I stayed awake to chase away her bad dreams. I wasnt going to let them hurt her.

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