Run Away

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~Haven's POV~

I look over at the door and see Jason's startled face.
"Haven....but..." He whispers. Adam stands up and turns to Jason.
"I kissed her she didn't do anything wrong." Adam defends me. Jason shakes his head.
"I get out of the hospital to find out that the girl I love was kissing my best friend." He says angrily. He clenches his fists and stares directly at Adam. Adam moves in from of me so that Jason can't hurt me. Suddenly, there is a really loud clap of thunder and I scream. Adam looks at me.
"It's alright Haven. The storm can't hurt you." He murmurs. Jason darts past him and kneels next to me.
"Haven it's not your fault that I was in the hospital. It was Taylor's. He's the one who put us in Minecraft in the first place. But if he hadn't, I wouldn't have met you Havs. You're the most amazing girl in the world to me...." He tells me. I look into his eyes and see the love and sadness in them. I wrap my arms around him tightly and cry into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Jason..." I cry. He holds me, and Jordan walks in.
"Sorry to break this up but I'm going to need Adam and Jason to leave." He states. Jason looks over at him.
"Haven is coming with us." Jason glares at him. Jordan shakes his head and snaps his fingers. Dan, Brandon, and Tyler walk in and grab Adam and try to grab Jason.
"Jordan stop!!" I scream. He starts coming towards Jason and I and Jason lets go of me to fend him off. That's when Dan and Tyler grab him and drag him across the room. Jordan pushes me against the wall.
"Jason!!" I yell frantically, but Tyler has knocked him unconscious. I lash out at Jordan but my hands are pinned and Brandon is tying my ankles together.
"Jordan please stop..." I whimper as tears slide down my face.
"I'm not gonna sit by and watch you love someone else." He growls. Tears stream down my face, and I don't say anything more. I'm tossed onto my bed and they leave, closing and locking the door behind them. Tied up and left there, I drift into a fitful sleep.

~Tyler's POV~

I didn't agree with Jordan's plan. Brandon and Dan didn't either, but we knew better than to go against him. After Dan and I get Adam and Jason outside, we wake up Jason. Even in the pouring rain you could tell he was pissed.
"I will kill all of you." Jason growls.
"We want to help get her out of there too, but were gonna need the rest of TeamCrafted." I tell him.
"Why should I trust you? You helped Jordan kidnap her!" Jason yells.
"Shut up! If Jordan hears us he will kill her." I whisper. Jason looks from me to the house then slumps his shoulders.
"I just called Ian, TeamCrafted is on their way." Adam says. We all go hide in a place down the street and then Dan and I turn to leave.
"Wait where are you going?" Jason asks.
"We have to go back or Jordan will get suspicious." Dan replies. Jason nods and we go back to the house. We find Jordan and Brandon in the living room and sit with them.
"Are they gone?" Jordan asks.
"We made sure they won't come back." Dan tells him. Jordan nods.
"There will be a permanent guard at her door at all times. She will never traverse the house alone. Got it?" Jordan looks at each one of us. We all nod and Dan takes the first guard shift. I go up to my room and look out of the window. I see two cars drive by slowly, and smirk. TeamCrafted was here, and we were gonna free Haven. I knew from her videos that she had depression, and I wanted her to be happy. Unlike Jordan who's jealousy causes him to be an asshole. I shine a flashlight out if my window in the direction we separated from Jason and Adam, and see a small light flash back. I poke my head out of my room and look at Dan and nod. He enters Haven's room, and got ready to escape. Taking out my phone, I call Adam's number.
"Dan is untying her and they will leave from her window." I whisper.
"Alright. Jason, Ian, and Mitch will be waiting to catch her. The rest of us will be manning the get away cars. We have to take her somewhere safe. Me and Jason agreed that we can't stay with her while Jordan is on the loose. He knows we would try to be near her, so Ty, Quentin and Jerome will take her to Colorado with SlyFoxHound and the creatures." Adam reports. I hang up and take guard outside of her room. Peeking in, Dan had woken her up and untied her, and they were by the window waiting for the others to come. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and so I knock on the door softly to let them know. Haven laid on the bed while Dan hid. Jordan and Brandon see me at the door.
"Where's Dan?" Jordan asked.
"He had to use the bathroom and asked me to keep watch till he got back." I lied. Jordan shrugged and went down the hall to his room. Brandon turned and gave me a thumbs up when the door closed behind Jordan. I nodded and softly knocked again. Slipping inside with Brandon, we open the window and are brutally attacked by wind and rain. Brandon looks down.
"Jason, Ian, and Mitch are waiting." He says as he goes over to the door and pushes a wardrobe in front of it. Haven carefully climbs out of the window and jumps down. Jason catches her and hugs her tightly. They run off and we watch as Jason kisses Haven goodbye, and they separate to protect her. But this escape was easy. Too easy. That's when gun shots ring out. I couldn't see if anyone got hurt, but I did see that the tires of the cars were going flat.
"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" I scream. I see four figures run in one direction and four go the other way. One figure was limping. I jump out of the window followed by Brandon, and I get in my car and follow one of the groups. I find Jason, Haven, Ian, and Adam.
"Get in." I say. They pile in and I speed away, not looking back.

~Brandon's POV~

I knew that when she jumped out of the window something would go wrong. Jumping out of the window after Tyler, I race to where the gunfire was coming from. Jordan had recruited LogDotZip to his gang.
"So you needed another Tyler in your group?" I ask. They point guns at me and Jordan glares at me.
"I knew MunchingBrotato would try to help her, so I asked this Tyler to help me end their escape plan. But I didn't count on him getting a car and driving wouldn't happen to know where they're going do you?" He questions.
"I don't know, but I do know that Jason and Adam will stay with her no matter what." I answer. Jordan nods and tells me to go get in his car with Tyler, and find any member of TeamCrafted. I turn in the opposite direction the other Tyler went and drove for a little bit, then pulled off to the side of the road.
"What are you doing?" Tyler looks at me.
"They would hear a car and hide. So I'm guessing they went deeper into the forest." I suggest. We get out of the car and stare into the forest through the rain. I walk forward and Tyler follows. After we walk about 500 feet, I wheel around and slam a gun into Tyler's head. He falls to the ground, and I check his pulse. He's alive. I hide him under some bushes and run farther into the forest. I come across Mitch, Jerome, Ty, and Quentin. Ty's leg was bleeding.
"Ty can you walk anymore?" Quentin asks. Ty shakes his head, and his face is contorted in pain. I walk over to them and kneel beside Ty. Looking over his leg, I see that the bullet just nicked him. He will live.
"Tyler got in a car and drove in the direction the others went." I tell them.
"Let's hope they get away safely. Jordan isn't going to let them live after this...." Jerome says. We all help Ty to the car and get in. I take him to the hospital, then call Tyler.
"Hey how far have you gotten?" I ask.
"I'm almost to Arizona. Then we will get two plane tickets for me and Haven. I'll get her to the creatures. You should head out and find Noah and Tyler." He answers.
"Jordan has already recruited LogDotZip. I'll go out and find Noah after I make sure Ty gets out of the hospital. A bullet grazed him." I say. We exchange goodbyes and I hang up. Shit was about to go down.

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