Venomous Feelings

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~Haven's POV~

I wake up in a small house. He walks in as I get up. Grabbing my bow, I aim at him.
"Calm down Haven. You can leave if you want to. I just brought you here to keep monsters from hurting you after you passed out." He says. I don't move.
"I don't trust you." I tell him. He moves out of the way and I walk out, not taking my eyes off him. After I'm outside, I walk in the direction of our house. I didn't know what I would find, but I realized that they were my friends. They wouldn't hate me. Would they? I traveled for two days, mostly jumping from tree to tree. I hop down and see Mitch and Ian. I go over to them.
"We hate you Haven. All of us. If we ever see your face again, I'll kill you." Mitch yells at me. I open my mouth to reply but realize that I knew this is what would happen, so I just nod and leave. I go back to his house, with tears steaming down my face. I go up to the door and lift my hand to knock, but I hesitate. What if I wasn't welcome here either? Sighing, I knock anyway. He opens the door and motions for me to enter. I step inside and look at him.
"I'm sorry Haven. I shouldn't have done that stuff to you. I honestly feel horrible about it. I know I don't deserve forgiveness from you, but I just hope you won't hold this against me." He pleads. I give him a small smile and nod. He smiles back and tosses me some bread. I take it gratefully and chow down. He grabs some armor.
"I'm gonna go mining to get the last things we need to leave Minecraft." He explains.
"Mind if I join?" I ask. He shakes his head and I put on my armor and we head out. We come across some budder, and it takes me a minute to not cry. I shake my head. They hate me. I shouldn't care about them. We find a giant ravine. He starts mining and I head farther in.
"Wow Ty this ravine is huge!" I hear a voice up ahead. I slowly creep forward to check it out. Team Crafted were in the ravine. I turn to go and tell him.
"Haven?" A voice says. I recognize it immediately. I clench my fists and run off. Jason hates me....he won't want to see me. I get back to the other end of the ravine.
"Team Crafted are at the other end of the ravine...can we go please....Mitch threatened to kill me." I look back in the direction I came. Voices were growing louder. He takes my hand and we get out of the ravine. We reach the house and I sigh. Would I ever be free.

~Jason's POV~

We were mining in the ravine Ty found. I look up and see blonde hair starting to walk away.
"Haven?" I call. I see the figure freeze and clench their fists, then run off. I look at Adam and we follow the figure.
"Do you think it was her?" I ask. He nods.
"But she wouldn't mine on her least I hope not." Adam says. We follow the path she takes, and we see him grab her hand and they leave. I collapsed to my knees. She was with him. She really doesn't love me. Adam helps me up, and we go back to the others. We go back to the house and I can't even speak. I've become numb to everything. I don't eat, I don't sleep, and I don't talk to anyone anymore. Ian tries to snap me out of it, but it's useless. How could he just forget how he loved her. He brought her in, but he shouldn't be so quick to turn on her. I cry out in frustration. It makes no sense anymore. I wish none of this had happened. Maybe things would still be okay between this group, but we've all turned on each other. Adam hangs out with Ian and Ty and Quentin do their own thing. No one sees Jerome anymore, and Mitch only comes around every once in awhile. All because Jerome ran after her. That's when it clicked. Jumping out of my bed I go to Mitch and Jerome's tree house. Jerome is there. I approach him.
"What really happened when you went after Haven?" I ask.
"I told you al-" He starts to say but I cut him off.
"No. That was a lie. What really happened." I demand
"I can't tell you. He'll kill us." Jerome whispers. I turn and angrily race into the house. Everyone was in the main area.
"All that stuff Jerome said about Haven was false. He threatened Jerome to make us hate her or else he would kill us. Jerome lied to us." I tell everyone. Ty comes over to me.
"Look I know you're messed up about Haven, but that's no reason to say Jerome was lying." He tries to calm me.
"He really did lie! I'm gonna go get Haven back. And I'm gonna prove it." I say as I walk out the door. I head towards his house, diamond sword in hand. I approach the house.
"Haven! I need to talk to you!" I call out. She exits the house slowly. I can see the fear in her eyes.
"Haven be careful...I don't want you getting hurt." I hear him say. I tighten my grip on the sword and look into her eyes.

~Jerome's POV~

I watched Jason leave the tree house. I know he's figured it out. I get up and go inside. Everyone turned to me.
"Jerome, were you lying about what Haven said?" Mitch asks me. I sigh and nod.
"He told me that if I got everyone to hate her, he would let us leave. Jason figured it out on his own I guess. Where is he?" I look around.
"He went to get Haven back." Adam says. I look at everyone and we all nod in unison. We had to help him. We gather up our stuff and head out. When we get there it's a mess. The house was burnt down, and Haven was with him on one side, Jason on the other.
"Jason why are you here?" Haven asks.
"To bring you home."
"But everyone hates me. Mitch threatened to kill me if I tried to come back." We all look at Mitch and he shrugs. I walk over to the three.
"Haven, we don't hate you. I was forced to make them hate you because he threatened to kill us." I try to convince her. She looks from him to me.
"Ty and Quentin really do hate me though." She says.
"No we don't, we just wanted a scapegoat for everything going wrong." Quentin says. She looks over at Jason. He has tears flowing down his face.
"Haven...." He starts. "I lo-"
"Well I think it's time for us to go." He cuts off Jason and grabs Haven. She struggles but his grip is too tight for her to break. Jason runs after them.


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