Aw Hell

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They were taking me to SlyFoxHound. That's all I could register. Jason held onto me tightly as we drove towards Arizona. Adam was talking to Tyler about the best way to hide me from Jordan.
"Jason comes with me." I state.
"He can't Haven. Jordan knows he would stay with you." Adam says.
"I don't care. I'm not being separated from him again!" I tell them. Jason looks at me.
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to go with you." He murmurs. I shake my head.
"I can't lose you anymore." I whisper. He kisses me, then looks at Adam and Tyler.
"I'm gonna take her to the creatures. You both have to cover for us. Start heading towards the other side of the country, and stay south." Jason tells Adam and Tyler. They nod and I press myself closer to Jason. I kiss his cheek softly. I then close my eyes and get some sleep.


~Jason's POV~

I look at her sleeping face, and in that moment, it seemed like nothing could go wrong. But I knew better. Jordan wouldn't rest until she was his. I kiss her forehead and watch the scenery pass by. It was late at night, but we couldn't wait until morning. Brandon was fending off Jordan, but anything could happen. We get to a small airport just inside Arizona. I shake Haven awake and we go inside. We buy two tickets for a midnight flight to Denver. I turn to Adam and Tyler.
"Thank you guys for helping her. I know that you both love her too..." I start to say but Adam shakes his head.
"We just want you and her to be happy. Just take care of her, and keep her safe." Tyler says. I nod and Haven hugs both of them, then we head to go through security and get on the plane it was late, so there were few people on board. We sat in our seats and she is all jumpy.
"Scared of planes?" I ask.
"Nope. I've just watched a lot of Supernatural and so I'm ready for if the plane starts going down." She states. I chuckle and hold her hand. She smiles at me and looks out of her window. The plane takes off, and we land in Denver in about 30-45 minutes. I contact SlyFoxHound and ask him to come get us ASAP. He says that he will get there in a few hours.
"Jason I'm hungryyyyy." Haven whines.
"I know but the only place open right now is McDonalds." I say. She wrinkles her nose but sighs.
"Any food is fine right now." She tells me. I kiss her cheek and go get 20 chicken nuggets and we share. She was so quirky and adorable. It's hard not to love her. That's when I realized something.
"Haven....can I ask you something?" I look at her and see color drain from her face.
"Um sure." She answers.
"Will you be my-" I start to ask, but I'm cut off by shouting down the terminal. We look and see a guy with a gun running this direction. I grab her arm and duck under the table. Holding onto her tightly, I watch the man turn to the cops and point his gun at the police. They shot him and Haven whimpered. After they all leave, we get up and go to the doors to wait for SlyFoxHound. We wait for about two more hours then he shows up.
"Jason and Haven right?" He asks. We nod and I notice Haven was starstruck. I smiled and we got in the car.
"Just call me Sly." He tells us.
"Alright. Thanks for helping us out." I say.
"No problem. So what made all of you leave Los Angeles?" Sly questions.
"CaptainSparklez has gone insane....and we need to protect Haven." I answered. We drive the rest of the way in silence. Haven fell asleep, and I couldn't blame her. It had been a very stressful time. I kiss her forehead and close my eyes for a little while.

~Haven's POV~

I awake to the sound of voices.
"We're almost there Jason. You should wake her up." Sly says. I groan.
"Sounds like she's already awake. Morning sleeping beauty." Jason murmurs. I feel heat rise to my cheeks and I buried my face in Jason's shirt. He laughs and we arrive at Sly's house. I look at the door and see Puppy Chef and ImmortalHD. We go up to the door.
"Hey Aleks. This is Jason, aka MinecraftUniverse. And this is Haven." Sly introduces us.
"Sup guys. Welcome to the casa." Aleks says. Jason leads me inside and sly shows us to a room with two beds.
"You guys are kinda gonna have to share a room." He explains.
"It's cool." Jason replies. I choose a bed and lay down. It was seven in the morning and I was exhausted. Jason goes and takes a shower while I lay down. Looking out of the window, I think about home. Where my best friend is, where my family is. I pick up Jason's phone and type in my best friends number. I hit the call button and listen to the ringing.
"Hello?" The voice on the other end picks up.
"Brittany? It's Haven." I say calmly.
"I know and I'm sorry. But you're never gonna guess what happened to me. How soon can you get to Colorado?" I ask her.
"Um I can be on the next flight out which is....." I hear tapping on the other end.
"In two hours. So I can be there in about three and a half hours." She answers.
"Awesome. I'll come pick you up at the airport with some of my new friends. I'll explain everything when you get here." I tell her. We say our goodbyes and hang up. Jason walks in a moment later.
"Who was that?" He asks.
"Oh sorry. I called my best friend. She's gonna come here." I explain. Jason goes and talks to Sly and Aleks and we head to the airport. We pull into a parking spot and in race inside. I see a familiar face.
"TWIN!" I shout. She darts over and hugs me tightly. I step out of her embrace as Jason, Sly, and Aleks walk over. Her eyes nearly bug out of her head.
"Brittany, this is Jason, Sly, and Aleks. I know you know them." I say to her. I introduce Brittany to them and she's still speechless. I grab her hand and we drive back to Sly and Aleks' house.
"Twin....YOU COULDNT HAVE MENTIONED YOU WERE WITH MY FAVORITE YOUTUBERS?!?!" She exclaims. I calm her down, and tell her the whole story from start to finish.
"Wait, you met ALL of TeamCrafted and you're JUST now calling me??" She inquires. I nod.
"Wow. That explains the two videos you've posted. I shrug and Jason walks over.
"Hey Haven, can I ask you something?" He looks at me. I nod.
"Would you make me so very happy, and be my girlfriend?" He asks. Tears spring to my eyes and I hug him.
"Yes you giant dork." I murmur. He kisses me and Brittany looks from Jason, to me, and back.
"Hey Twin you should totally hook me up with Preston." Brittany says. I laugh.
"We'll see Twin." I reply. Brittany and I weren't really twins, but we both had blonde hair, glasses, and liked a lot of the same stuff. I smile as I sit down to eat with Sly, Aleks, Brittany, and my boyfriend. Eep I just loved the sound of that. I finally felt like things were going right. Of course that's when shit hit the fan.

"Hello again, Haven." A voice says. I turn to look, and see a gun right next to Jason's head. Holding the gun was Jordan. With him was Taylor, and the Creatures.

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