Need for Speed

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Out in the desert, on a totally flat section of desert, a yellow and black muscle car was speeding along the plain with a blue motorcycle and a silver Corvette.  They each had a passenger.  They matched each other for speed for a brief while.  But soon, it was time to step things up a notch.

Miko: Hoo-yah! (Into walkie-talkie) Bee and I are at 150!

Jack: Not bad Miko, but Arcee and I are smoking you at 165!

Thomas: Oh yeah!?  Roadflare and I are leaving ya'll in the dust!  190! (Into walkie) Raf, are you ready down there?

Raf: Copy Thomas!  Radar gun is charged and locked!

Thomas: Copy that, alright Roadflare, let's see what the Afterburner does for you!

Roadflare: You read my mind kid!

Already at 205 mph, her top speed, Roadflare activated the Energon Afterburner.  Just like with Dodger, she started glowing blue and blue flames shot out of her quad exhaust tips as her tires were engulfed in blue fire, but she was going so fast that her front wheels came off the ground for a moment before they came down again.  They zoomed past Raf as he stood on a rock with a radar gun.  Once he got Roadflare's top speed, he was amazed. 

Raf: Thomas!  I got the maxiumum speed!

Roadflare slowed down as Thomas got out his walkie.

Thomas: What 'cha got buddy?

Raf: 307 mph!

Thomas was stunned to hear that, Roadflare's vehicle mode had a top speed of 205 mph.  But with the Energon Afterburner, she could reach 307!

Thomas: Ya hear that Flare!?

Roadflare: Did I ever!  Good luck trying to race me!

Arcee: Slow down Flare, this wasn't a race, we were finding out our top speeds.

Bumblebee: =And testing the Afterburner. =

Roadflare: I know, but still, this was a blast!

Thomas: I know!  I'm still shaking with adrenaline!

The three Autobots came to a stop.  Jack got off of Arcee and Miko and Thomas got out of Bumblebee and Roadflare.  The Autobots transformed and looked down at their pumoed up companions.

Thomas: That was Awesome!

Jack: Never thought we could go that fast!

Miko: Suh-weet!

Arcee: Alright you three, as fun as that was, lets grab Raf and head back to base.

The three Autobots transformed and Miko and Thomas got into Bumbebee and Roadflare while Jack got on Arcee.  They speed back to the rock Raf was standing on, they stopped and Raf got in his guardian, the three Autobots soon sped across the desert to the road and were on their way to base.  Inside Roadflare, Thomas was learning about her taste in music, with a bit of Shania Twain. 

The song ended as they reached their base.  Once they were inside, the kids got off/out of the Autobots who transformed.  Dodger and Bulkhead came to them.

Bulkhead: So, how'd the speed test go?

Dodger: Hit us.

Jack: Well, Arcee reached 255 mph!

Miko: And Bumblebee hit 240!

Thomas: Thats nothing!  Roadflare hit 307!

Dodger and Bulkhead's optics went wide at that.

TFP: Dodger's Greatest Encounter (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now