Femmes Gone Wild

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Out on a desert highway, a blue motorcycle was out a patrol.  Pretty soon, a silver Corvette pulled up next to it.

Arcee: Roadflare, anything to report?

Roadflare: Nothing but tumbleweeds and cacti out here, but at least I get to stretch my tires.

Arcee: Oh yeah, nothing like a nice drive to loosen up.

Pretty soon, there weren't alone.  A blue and gold fighter jet soon flew overhead, with the usual sonic boom entrance. 

Arcee: Gulfstream, what a surprise.

Gulfstream: Hey girls.  Miss me?

Roadflare: Maybe.  Trying out for an airshow Gulf?

Gulfstream: HAHA! Just my way of dropping in. (playfully) Who said you two could have some femme time without me?

Arcee and Roadflare pulled off the road and transformed.  Gulfstream flew down and then transformed and landed next to them.

Arcee: Didn't think that a routine patrol would become 'femme time.' (smirks)

Roadflare:(Smirks) C'mon Cee.  We chicks gotta stick together.

Gulfstream: Autobot femmes forever!

Roadflare and Gulfstream high-fived each other with a 'Wahoo!' while Arcee just grinned.  Team Prime's three femmes had become close teammates, like sisters to each other. Arcee the fighter.  Roadflare the shooter.  And Gulfstream the flier.  The Decepticons have learned on more than one occasion not to mess with these Autobot gals.  Anyone who did underestimate them would either end up in the repair bay, or the scrapyard.

But soon, they had to return to base.  Little did they know what was waiting for them.

(The Nemesis)

Aboard the Decepticon warship, Titania was walking the hall when she suddenly into Knockout.

Knockout: Well well. Titania.  Out for a little stroll?

Titania: Watch it Knockout, or you'll be staring at my taillights.

Knockout: You wanna race?  Lets race!

They both transformed and sped through the halls.  But once they got to the bridge, they were greeted with the sight of Megatron staring them down.  They both transformed with a start. 

Megatron: Knockout!  Titania!  What is the meaning of this!?

Knockout:(nervous) Oh uh.... nothing my liege.

Titania:(nervous) Just...getting some exercise.... 

Megatron: You both know I do not allow racing aboard my ship.  Is that understood!?

Knockout: Eh...yes, Lord Megatron.

Titania: Perfectly understood... master.

Megatron turned back into the bridge and the two cons followed.  And just in time too, Soundwave soon had something on his visor-like face.

Megatron: Ah, another relic of Iacon.  Well done Soundwave. (Turns to the other two) Knockout.  Titania.  Retreive the relic and destroy anyone in your paths!

Knockout and Titania: Yes Lord Megatron.

(Autobot base)

When Arcee and Roadflare drove into the base, they saw that Gulfstream had already groundbridged there.  However, aside from Ratchet, all the Autobot mechs were gone.

Roadflare: Where are the others Ratch?

Ratchet: They are out investigating an untapped energon deposit.  Sorry for the disappointment.

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