assassins au: four

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Aru didn't have many memories of her father, but she cherished the things she could remember about him. Even the smallest of moments, she held onto like a lifeline. She could recall one incident–it had been right before the test she took to become a trainee at Oksaana. Aru had always felt a desire to help people, just like the cool superheroes in the books she read. She figured assassin training was the best place to start, but she had never felt more nervous in her life, and her anxiety was clear on her face. Aru remembered her father's firm grip on her shoulders, like a solid rock she could lean on.

"Are you nervous, Arundhati?" he'd asked, a gentle smile on his face.

Her nerves jumbling her vocal cords, Aru could only nod.

He had laughed kindheartedly. "I get nervous sometimes, too. But when I feel nervous, I think about the things that make me happy. I think about the things that make me want to keep going, like you," He playfully poked Aru's stomach when he said this, eliciting giggles from the young girl. "I also think about Mommy, and everyone else in our family that loves us so much. When I think about those things, I don't feel nervous anymore. What makes you happy, Aru?"

Aru scrunched her nose, face in deep thought. "Hmm, you and Mommy make me happy. Chocolate cake also makes me happy. Rice is yummy too." She flashed her dad a toothy grin. "A lot of things make me happy."

Her dad smiled, love shining in his eyes. "See? So when you take your test today, think about those things. Think about Mommy and I and, if you do well, maybe we can get chocolate cake to celebrate. Just don't tell Mommy." He pressed his index finger and thumb together and ran it along his lips, indicating a zipped-up mouth. "She won't be very happy with me."

Aru giggled and mimicked his action, sealing her own lips. "I won't tell Mommy. Promise."

He ruffled her hair. "That's my girl. Now go ace your test–you got this, Aru! Love you!"

Well, Aru thought now. Kind of hard to think happy thoughts when the only thing you can think about is how everything will probably go wrong.

Today was the day–the day she graduated from the Eagle Division and became a Phoenix. She stood in her dorm at Oksaana, staring at her reflection in the mirror of her vanity. Aru searched for any sign of fearlessness in her face, but she was only met with uncertainty. She might've told Ethan and Jenny she wasn't nervous, but that was a terrible lie. This ceremony was the first step to achieving her dreams of helping people, of being like every courageous person she had ever looked up to.

Think about what makes you happy, Aru reminded herself. What makes me happy?

Well, there were a lot of things that made Aru happy. Her family, Jenny and Ethan, helping others, winning in hand-to-hand combat games, eating delicious sweets–the list wasn't short.

And if everything went according to plan today, Aru would be in the Phoenix Division. Once upon a time, this moment felt so far away, but it finally was here now. Maybe she would even be able to see Mystery Boy again...he couldn't be an Eagle, and he looked too mature to be in the Raven Division. Aru had never seen him before and she knew most of the people, at least by name, in the Eagle Division. What would she do if she saw him again?

Stop thinking about him! Aru scolded herself, although her face felt like it was being roasted over a fire. It doesn't matter how good-looking he is–this is not going to help you!

Aru huffed and left her dorm before she could think up any other unnecessary thoughts, her face a scarlet mess.


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