assassins au: five

924 18 83

Beginning Training: 8:00 - 8:55

History: 9:00 - 10:55

Weapons Combat: 11:00 - 14:00

Break: 14:00 - 14:55

Stealth Practice & Archery: 15:00 - 19:00

Rest: 19:00

Aru scowled at the sheet of paper in her hand. She had just received her new schedule for Phoenix Division trainees from Instructor Jinn, and to say she was unhappy would be a severe understatement. Her body felt drained just looking at the number of hours they would be training every day, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly intrigued by the challenge.

"This schedule will be implemented starting tomorrow at eight o'clock exactly," Instructor Jinn had explained earlier. "There is no instruction today, so please enjoy your time–I'm afraid to say it may be the last free day you'll have for an extended period of time. It's been a pleasure teaching you wonderful Eagles, and I look forward to making more memories with you as Phoenixes."

Now Jenny knocked her head down on a wooden table in front of Amolnam's Bakery. The vibrant cherry curls of her hair spilled around her shoulders, and her skull nearly knocked over the basket of pastries placed at the center of the table's surface. "I am so tired. Just looking at our new schedule makes me want to take a nap. You guys know combat isn't my thing."

It was true. Although Jenny could put up a decent fight, she was much stronger in her healing abilities. She knew the remedies for the majority of injuries and infections, and her calm-in-any-situation attitude was great for putting others at ease, especially while training.

Aru nodded in agreement. "I know, right?" She snuck one more glance at the now crumpled schedule sheet in her hands. "We have three physical training sessions, and one of them is five hours long. So, that's almost ten hours of training total in a single day."

Ethan shook his head. "There are so many other things you could do in ten hours. Like," He held up his half-eaten Amolnam's Bakery muffin. "having a food marathon at the best bakery in the kingdom."

Jenny let out a groan. "That sounds so good. I need to do that as soon as possible."

"Maybe you two should do it together," Aru grinned mischievously. "You know, have a nice bonding session. With your stomachs combined, you guys could probably eat the whole bakery."

"Bonding session?" Jenny deadpanned, although Aru didn't miss the light coat of red that brushed her cheeks.

Ethan tried to keep his face neutral, but he was completely incapable of hiding his emotions–he was like an open book with the pages shoved right in front of your eyes.

Aru laughed, the melodic sound of it floating off into the air. The three friends carried on their conversation until all the pastries disappeared from the basket, the majority of them relocating to Ethan's stomach. With nothing left to eat, Aru felt herself growing bored.

"What do you guys want to do now?" asked Jenny.

Ethan's mouth suddenly stretched into a Cheshire cat-like smile, and dread immediately filled Aru's gut. Every time Ethan whipped out his bordering-on-psychotic grin, he was never planning anything good. The last time this had happened, Aru got in trouble for helping Ethan prepare a prank that involved Instructor Jinn, a well-placed live centipede, and a dozen fake cockroaches (Instructor Jinn had a traumatic past with insects).

"Uh oh," Jenny squinted at the mildly disturbing-looking boy next to her. "What are you thinking about?"

"Let's sneak out!" Ethan whisper-shouted.

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