time to show my true self

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time to show my true self

Back at prison both Kurumi and karuta were destroyed at the fact that their children were taken away by force by the guards.

Kurumi was in tears as her own son was yank and she got punched trying to prevent them taking him.

karuta was starting to have a panic attack as the thoughts of what to happen to his daughter was scaring him.

Everyone try to help calm him down but being in this tight space it wasn't helping.

Kurumi had remember what happened before all this mess begin, back when they were in the village everything seemed to be fine until the big fog came around their house.

It was odd but they had no idea until they noticed all the black puddles appearing and shadow arms trying to grab them.

Minato and kushina were able to fight them off as there were few but it was proven to be too strong as it turns out it was just toying with them first.

She and her brother would have help but they heard their own children screaming and they ran into the rooms to find their kids were being pulled right in.

They try to stop it but another pair of Shadow arms grab them both and pull them in as they try to get to their children but there was no use.

To their horror both siblings have saw the three-headed demon once again staring them down and roar at them before being sent to this place with their children in their arms.

Even though it was terrifying and scary it was at least a brief of relief that their children were fine but not for long as soon when Naruto came he ordered the guards to take them all away.

Kurumi and karuta had done nothing to Naruto to deserve this and it was heartbreaking that their brother that they never got the chance to know before had done this to them.

Did he really hate them that much? Was he really willing to do something like this to them and to everyone else here.

They could have just feel all the hatred he had right there then especially what karuta heard what his wife said and how naruto reply to it.

"The flames will do good for your icy heart!"

Those words completely caught him surprise and along with everyone else not cell for Naruto to make a comeback like that.

Sakura herself was actually in shock as Naruto had never dare spoke back to her like that before.

They heard someone came over and it was kurama kitsune, "so for Hokage and of course you... Kushina we meet once again."

"What the hell do you want?" Minato ask as he was in the mood for this.

"Oh forgive me, it was just I was surprised none of you remember who I was," kurama said as still no one was interested.

"Why the hell would we care about who you are?" Kushina ask as none of them were in these games he was playing.

"Well I wasn't allowed to do this because I couldn't cause any trouble, but now that you all are behind bars, I can finally do this, what is orange and has nine tails?" Kurama ask them.

"I don't care about that!" Kushina said as she was fuming as she just wanted to forget that demon Fox ever existed from her mind.

Kurama now look bored as this game was not really fun, "okay I do get bored quick," he snapped his fingers and his fox ears and long fluffy orange tails appeared.

Everyone was in shock as kurama rubbish cheeks removing the makeup to show his whisker marks.

"The answer is me, I'm the kyuubi kitsune but truth be told kurama kitsune was my real name since I was born but none of you cared to even ask back when I was still locked up inside of you and the one before you kushina," kurama explain as everyone gasped and were in shock.

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