peter x reader (smut): bushes of love

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A/N: this is a bit of an intense one, viewer discretion is advised.

Y/n pov

Peter, TK, Lucy, Lucy's new boyfriend and I had all decided to spend the day at the park. Peter and I have been dating for a few months at this point and it was going pretty good, except his insane jealousy was alot to handle at times. I've accepted that about him however because his gentle nature far out ways his jealously and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being wanted so much.

We finally arrived at the park, I was excited to spend the day with my friends. It was warm so I was wearing a crop top and shorts showing off a little bit too much skin for Peter's comfort. "Darling, don't you think you're a bit cold? You can borrow my vest." He tried to offer me but I pushed it back towards him. "Are you crazy? It's like 30°c today!" He frowned putting his vest back on. "As you wish" He grumbled. I noticed his frustration and kissed his cheek. "Hey, I'm just yours remember?" He smiled at me feeling a little reassured.

I figured out after we had been together for a week or so that all I had to do to calm his nerves down was to tell him I knew I was his. "And I'm yours." He squeezed my hand.

We found our way to a nice shaded area and waited for the others to show up. Soon we saw TK strolling over with a slight frown on their face when they saw Peter. When they reached us they set down the cooler they had been carrying and their back pack with other snacks in it. "Oh, I didn't know you were bringing him.." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, can we have a nice day or are you guys just going to fight the whole time? Because if you can't get along im just going to leave." Both of them quickly grew concerned of upsetting me. "No, no we can get along!" TK insisted. I looked at Peter who rolled his eye. "Anything for you darling.." He muttered under his breath.

After that Lucy and her new boyfriend showed up to the picnic. "Heyy guys! This is Trevor!" She called out as she approached us. Holy was that guy ever named Trevor, snap back hat, ripped jeans, unwashed old t-shirt. This guy looked like a grade A douche. I examined him before reaching out. "Nice to meet you I'm y/n!" I said. Peter went next "I'm Peter, y/ns boyfriend" He enthisised 'boyfriend' and finally TK.

"Hey nice to meet you! Dark selves?" TK pointed at the ratty t-shirt Trevor was wearing. "Hell yeah dude! Best band ever." Trevor chuckled. "I've never met anyone who knows them. I tried to get y/n into it but she has terrible taste." They said teasingly to me. I smacked them lightly "I don't have bad taste! And I like metal, just black metal, none of that trap shit you listen to."

This peeked Peter's interest "wait, did you say black metal? I didn't know you listened to that." I sighed "of course you don't, mr.hogging the aux chord." I go back to the conversation with TK and Trevor about metal and which genres we like. After a very in depth conversation on the alternative scene we decided since we were in a park we would go with some classic rock and indie rock playing some Beatles and butthole surffers. Specifically butthole suffers because TK is extremely immature.

When they put on the song "Shame of life" I instantly recognized the band. "Really dude? How immature are you?" I asked them. "What? It's a good band. I know you like them too." I chuckled a little bit. "Yeah but you only put it on because of the name." Tk got closer to me. "You can't prove anything." I smile and stand up trying to look big and scary but TK is much taller then me. "Try me bitch."

I was then tackled to the ground by TK who was tickling the crap out of me. "Get off you dumb fuck!" I yelled between laughs, doing my best to return the attack of tickles I was getting. All of a sudden I felt the ground rip away from me by a hand on my shirt. When I looked up I saw a very unamoused Peter. I cursed myself mentally for allowing him to see this, I didn't want my dynamic with TK to change just because I had a boyfriend but I should've taken into consideration that this is what would've happened.

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