My little blue nerd pt 2

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Y/n pov

Lunch finally rolls around although I was excited about the break in my first block I am DREADING it now. I can't figure out if that kid is a sweetheart or a creep but I don't have the emotional energy to deal with this. It's only the first day and there's already drama! Ugh, I hate high school.

"Ready to y/n?" I jump looking up from my doodles to see a wide eye blue looming over me. He's not a small guy but he is a bit of a toothpick.

"Holy crap blue!" I grab my shirt over my chest. "You scared the shit out of me, you got to stop sneaking up on me!" He frowns.

"I'm sorry I'm just really excited to hang out with you and introduce you to my friends!" I pack my art supplies up while we continue talking.

"Friends?" Great more people I won't know how to feel about.

"Yeah! There's my sister Sarah, my friend TK and my best friend Lucy." I stand up to leave and we walk out.

"I didn't know you had friends. Not that I thought you wouldn't have friends, I just thought you'd be one of those loner nerds." He trailed behind me looking over my shoulder to reply so I couldn't see his face.

"You think I'm a nerd?" I didn't need to see his face to know he was a little offended by that comment. I don't know why I'm being so rude to this guy he's just trying to be nice.

"Not like that I just mean.. well actually I don't know what I mean. I just thought you were the loner type getting picked on by bullies." He rests his hand on my shoulder which makes me flinch a slight bit before he immediately retracts his hands.

Yeah, that's right get out of my bubble weirdo. Cute weirdo. Oh, who cares.

"Oh no Dan is an ass hole and he picks on everyone even the teachers. I just don't have the greatest coordination and he's taller than me maybe a bit buffer." I peer over my shoulder to see blue inspecting his muscles on his arm.

"There's still time for a growth spurt you know and you're already pretty tall. you might even fill out a bit. What are you like 6'?" We approach my locker and I trade out books for food. Peter blushes and chuckles again.

"No im 5'9, but I guess everyone's tall to you shortie." I turn and glare up at him.

"Mhm, you teasing me now string bean?" I give them a stern look before I walk past him toward the cafeteria. I can hear him stumbling over his feet behind me.

"N-no! Never! I just meant it as a little funny friend thing maybe? I'm sorry please don't be mad." I can help but laugh.

"I'm kidding dude. If you're going to mess with me I'll mess with you." The relief on his face was adorable.

"Thank God I thought I upset you. I would never forgive myself if I upset you." That sounded almost too serious of a confession.

"It's fine, now where are these friends of yours?" He scans the cafeteria and points to a small table at the back.

"That's our table, come on." He takes my hand again dragging me along happily. I can barely keep up with his lanky legs stretching half a football field with each step. Maybe not that extreme but I was fumbling for sure.

"woah blue slow down!" I almost fall as we come to a halt but he catches my shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm a bit excited. my friends are going to love you!" we both sit down and I pull out my lunch. turkey sandwich, apple slices, and a granola bar. a simple lunch but there is something about simplicity I enjoy very much.

As im deep in thought about the complexities of high school bagged lunches blue gets my attention by talking. when I chime back in I see his two friends. a guy with green hair and a beanie, super shy, and the kind of person id expect to hang out with blue. Then there was a girl and she was gorgeous! long white hair, fashioned in the most stunning outfit, and makeup that you only see in movies. I was immediately caught off guard when she said hi.

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