(Goth PxR) Beg Me Bitch Boy

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Description: rejecting Goth Peter over and over. He's physically weaker than you too. I just wanted to be mean to Peter. There also is smut in this, Peter doms.

trigger warnings include; abuse, manipulation, mental self-harm, and mentions of murder.

I needed some therapy, this is a bit of a long one Usually, I do about 2000-4000 words per one shot but this one is 8000 words (yikes) and I made some drawings because I am extra. Do not expect me to go this far again lol. That's why I haven't posted in like a week.

You can use my art if you give me credit.

Enjoy my little sweet potatoes.

(Entire story is 3rd person pov)

You've been going to college for a while now and you've noticed how YB looks at you. He's a part of your friend group, not sure how or why he is exactly. One day he sat down with your group and just didn't leave. He's always staring at you, creeping you out, and whenever someone gets close to you or hugs you he gets pissed. Not to mention he won't tell any of you his real name. He says it is embarrassing and humiliating.

Admittedly you did have a small crush on YB before he started to creep you out. You told your best friend at the time Lucy who still relentlessly teases you for it. You've explained several times you don't like him anymore but she doesn't believe you. Sometimes you don't believe yourself either.

Today Lucy and you decided to spend sometime in the park across from the school. You had invited TK and Alex along but they had classes all morning. You laid out a blanket, brought some snacks and your speaker. YB invited himself along last minute and because Lucy was still pushing you to date him, she let him stay. 

"So I'm going to go talk to that cutie over there. You'll be fine alone, right? Right, okay bye!" Lucy said quickly scurrying away before you could protest. She turned back to give you a cocky wink.

Since Tk and Alex couldn't make it today that left you alone with YB. Once again he was staring at you. It was very uncomfortable.

"What?" You folded your arms.

"You're adorable you know that?" He flirted and scooted closer. You leaned away from him and chuckled nervously.

"Okay.. thanks I guess." He reached out for your hand which you immediately retracted.

"Give me your phone." He demanded. You found it strange but you gave it to him anyway. You're friends I guess?

After a moment or two, he handed the phone back. You looked at it seeing he had put his number on your phone with the contact name "boyfriend."

"What the fuck." You mumbled quietly and gave a perplex glance both at the phone and YB. He smiled with a smug attitude.

"I know you like me y/n and I-" YB was cut off by Lucy returning. YB became silent, sinking into a frustrated pose when she plopped beside you.

"Check it out losers!" She cried waving her phone in our faces. It had the cute guy's name in it with his number.

"Damn Lucy that was fast." You were glad it happened so fast too, YB was about to come on to you. That gave you a mixed feeling of excitement and dread.

For the next while, you all hung out and had some snacks. YB didn't talk most of the time just slowly trying to grab your hand. It was getting a little weird and uncomfortable so you went home early. You didn't need YB bullshit or the exhausting feelings he gave you. Besides you'd see that creep tomorrow, like you do every day, no matter how much you try to avoid him.

The next day you see YB again as expected. He corned you at your locker while you were grabbing your lunch salad. He smelt like sweat, cigarettes and axe body spray. It was nauseating, but in a strange way also comforting. Like the smell of gasoline, bad but satisfying.

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