peter x reader (smut)

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A/N: I'm putting kind of a long note here before I start the story, you're welcome to skip it.

I just wanted to let you guys know I am working on a fluff piece for this but I'm having some writers block. It's just that Peter doesn't strike me as someone who could hold being caring. I've had my share of expierences in relationships with unstable people and I can tell you the whole "nice" thing is an act. I dont mean that hes not guinely nice i just mean when he is nice its because he wants something otherwise he will be quite cruel and careless. You are perfect in every way to him so long as you follow exactly the imagine of you hes made up in his head. So if you break that character he will no longer be so kind. I dont just mean you trying to escape, i mean you not liking his pasta or sitting on his lap. Hes nice until youre captured and at his mercy. Peter is obviously fictional and all but I find it hard to write fluff pieces, it makes me feel like I'm romanticing his behavior. That's why often my pieces end with y/n becoming crazy, Peter dying or Peter becoming mentally well. But besides that I am trying hard to write something positive. Just bare with me through the process and for now enjoy a short smut piece.


Y/n pov

I awaited the tall man from the park at the diner. He was late. I grumbled stiring my milk shake with my straw waiting on him. I looked at the clock as it ticked.

Eventually I heard the bell of the door and the out of breath huffs became audible. Looking up I was met with the familiar yet panicked face of.. what was his name?

"Hey, sweety." I waved him over. He sighed in releif while I saw a shy smile cross his lips. "S-sweety?" He questioned as he came over.

He was definitely out of breath but managed to get that out. I didn't want to embarrass myself so I quickly retorted with a gruff statement. "You're late."

He frowned as he sat down. His eyes pleaded with mine for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry, I wanted to get you something." He pulled out a long white box I had to noticed him holding.

He placed it on the table and slide it over to me. "I wanted to get you something to appoligize for asking you out suddenly. I realised that could of come across creepy so I got you these if it was awkward for you of course!"

I narrowed my eyes. I wanted to make him panick a little, he was so cute when he was nervous. I carefully opened the box with a stern look.

When I pulled out two beautiful roses, faceted with a black ribbon. Each thorn carefully removed. I carefully looked up at.. whatever his name was and examined his expression.

It made my heart flutter a little. His eyes were fixed on me like a lost puppy, his hands trembled lightly and I could tell he was beginning to nervously sweat. It also could have been the running or maybe both.

I took a long sniff off of them and then carefully laid them down in the box. "I-its no bouquet, but i-i thought you'd like them." I couldn't resist anymore and gave a small giggle.

"What?" He questioned uneasy. I gently touched his hand at which he lightly flinched. He held mine back almost immediately while still giving me a shy smile. "You're pretty cute when you're nervous." I joked.

"Y-you think I'm cute?" His cheeks raised while his smile grew. I giggled again at his reaction and squeezed his hand. "Now what's your name? I've been sitting here wondering."

yourboyfriend one shots (reader x peter)Where stories live. Discover now