Peters Monologue

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A/N: peters reaaalllyyy mean in this one. be warned tis not pleasant..

3rd person pov

Y/n heavy eyelids fought to open. Their ears ring and a sharp pain shot through their head. When they looked around they didn't recognize where they were. There was a panic surging through the fog in their mind. The adrenaline made the pain fade and they began to hyperventilate.

The door at the top of a staircase opened and peter came sauntering down eerily. He lead with a nauseating smile and spoke clearly.

"Glad to see you're finally up darling, I've been waiting all day." He stepped closer to them and kneeled. "I'm sorry about how rough I was but you made me so frustrated."

His smile faded as a flash of dark rage crossed his face before it returned to a soft grin. "Oh but you understand my love, don't you always? It's one of the billions of reasons I love you." He leaned down and pecked a small kiss on y/ns cheek who flinched at his touch.

"Oh don't be like that sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you." He reached out to pet their hair and they once again tried to avoid it. Unfortunately for them, their back was pressed against the wall. He caressed their hair slowly tucking a few strands back over their ear.

Y/n whimpered and shook as a few tears fell from their eyes. Peter worried about y/n unease and tried to hug them. Seeing more tears flowing as he attempted, he backed off.

He grunted in frustration. "You're so ungrateful to me and I don't understand why. You let everyone walk all over you, everyone!" His voice raised as he scowled at y/n. "When I try to help you, you just disrespect me, try to get away!" His solemn voice cracked through the loud abrasive tone suddenly. "Why can't you see we are meant to be? I feel it deep within my bones, I was made for you y/n. I am nothing without you!" He got down to his knees.

Y/n stayed still gently sobbing and gasping lightly for air. Their lungs burned and they could barely breathe. Peter noticed how uncomfortable they looked and pulled off the cloth keeping them quiet.

"W-why are you d-doing this to m-me?" Their voice squeaked through, they shook more as their head pounded. They were so tired and so afraid.

"Sh sh sh, it's okay. I told you my darling, we are meant to be. The story of why I know that's true is a long one. Since i want us to have honesty and trust in our relationship, ill explain." He pulled out a soft blanket and placed it over y/n. "Now get comfy."

He turned to grab a chair to sit on. It was one of those metallic ones, part of the many details in this room y/n had yet to explore.

"I was always alone my love, from the moment I was born. That I never minded, I liked being alone." He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and placed one between his lips.

"Even as I got older and some people tried to get close to me, i pushed them away. I hated everyone I met." The lighter flicked and a small trail of smoke came from his slimy mouth.

"My mother, sister and I never got on well and my mother often told me how she couldn't wait till I was 18 to kick me out. Maybe if I was a normal kid that would've crushed me but my sentiments were the same. She was a cruel, relentless bitch." He puffed out a small cloud and the stank of cigarettes suffocated the room.

"So when I turned 18 I cut ties with my family and moved out here." He chuckled a little as he realized y/n doesn't know where here is. "I'm sorry, out here deep in the forest you see."

"Out here I lived day after day almost the same. To some, it would've been torture but I like having a routine. Everything was safe and predictable, absolute paradise until I met you." He gestured to y/n with his lite cigarette and stared dreamily at them.

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